My escape was never an option. He is petty enough to chase me like this, but I was more worried he would slip and break his neck, so I let him grab me.

'OKAY! OKAY! I'm gettin in!'

'Too late now, miss lawyer.' He suddenly smiled at me, and swooped me off the floor, but only to throw me in the pool like a sack of potatoes.

Much like him a minute ago, I got submerged by the water, having my clothes stick to me completely.

'Didn't know rats could swim.' He snickered as he watched me strugle to move the wet hair out of my face

'Help this rat out.' I laughed along and spat out some water that I almost drank, stretching out my hand for him to pull me out

'I feel a lot better now.' He sighed in satisfaction, surprisingly taking my hand, but the realization hit him instantly


Those were his last words before I pulled him back in with me, getting slammed with a slush wave his body created next to me. At least this time he emerged out the water laughing instead of being pissed off.

'You missed a bit.'


'Here.' I grin and splash the water in his face, running for exit right away

'Nice try.' He laughed and pulled me back by grabbing my shirt, and then grabbed me in a chokehold, dunking me under along with himself. He actually sacrificed himself just to nearly drown me.

I was dying with the lack of air and laughter as the water wars ensued, trying to get each other under the water.

'Shit!' He cursed when I latched myself to his back, wrapping my legs around his hips

'I'm taking you with me. I'm not dying alone.' I laughed into his neck, feeling his body vibrating with laugher as well

'You're actually gonna take me out. You're choking me!' He tapped on my arm and I got scared I actually held him too tightly so I let go. Should have known better.

He instantly threw me in, starting another battle. He is 5 years old.

More swallowed water and laughter later, I ended up holding onto him once again. I am not going down easily. This time, I didn't wrap myself around his back. I was just trying to breathe from all the moving about, tightly latched around his front.

'You might wanna take a deep breath.' He snickered and dunked us both underneath, knowing I can't cover my face because I was refusing to let go of him, having my arms wrapped around his neck

'Do it all you want. I'm not letting go.' I laughed as I wiped my face on my arm

'You are an actual leech.' He was breathing heavily like me, softly chuckling as he wiped his face and pushed his hair back

I felt his hands sliding under my legs, resting them on my thighs as he slowly walked to the edge, trying to get me to sit on the edge of the pool, with him standing in front of me in the water up to his waist.

'How about a truce?'

'I don't trust you.' I chuckle

'I'm too tired right now. We can continue the war some other day. Sounds good?'

I released the tight hold on his neck, letting my arms rest on his shoulders as I pulled away to look at him, just trying to determine if he's trying to trick me or not.

I forgot what I was looking for because his face distracted me. His honey skin was glistening under the lights, the water dropplets sliding down his cheeks, pausing either over his lips or dripping down his jaw and chin. The pushed back hair makes him look like a completely different person. It's like that forehead of his is some hidden treasure.

I jolted a little when he gently touched my face, tips of his fingers gently brushing my hair back from my cheekbone and my temple, his eyes edged by wattery lashes following the pattern of his own fingers.

The feeling of nervousness vibrated through me, but I didn't think about moving. I kept still, feeling the little path his hand left from my hip to my knee, and his fingers hooking under my thigh, gently gripping me.

The playful game seemed like a distant memory as the tension built up, making me unable to look away from him, and instead I had to swallow to keep breathing.

'At least I don't have to take a shower tonight.'

He broke the silence with the silky smooth tone coming from his throat, but the words were still so very quiet. Soft.

'I took an extra one for you.' I murmured, kept in his siren gaze

A slight twitch of his lips made me look down, observing how the soft, round edges slightly twisted in a small smile. The little dip in his cupid bow held a single drop of water that seemed stuck, unable to slide over the plumpness that held it captive.

Without realizing, my thumb gently swept over his top lip, wiping away that single drop. A slight gap between his lips was enough for his breath to slip past, warming the skin of my finger that seemingly got stuck on his soft pillowy lips.

By the time I realized what I've done and moved my hand away, his breath was warming my own lips. I also didn't realize how close we were, but now the tip of his nose was gently brushing against mine in a game of push and pull.

My nails dug into his shoulder lightly as my heart thumped in my chest, my stomach tightening in a knot. His breath was now hot on my lips, and closeness of his lips increasing slowly had my fingers find a new home at the back of his neck, feeling his hair under the fingertips.

It was hard to breathe, and unlike anything I felt before. A slight brush of his lips against mine set my entire mind on fire and my eyes closed as if on instinct...


His phone went off like crazy and we both nearly died from a heart attack. He pulled away, detaching himself from me with a speed of light, clearing his throat as he jumped out of the pool to grab his phone and answer it.


I couldn't focus enough to listen to him talking with the sound of my own heart ringing in my head. I honestly just needed to catch my breath.

'The kids are here. We should let them in.' He spoke normally, apparently not in the slightest affected by whatever just happened. Or didn't happen. I guess moments like these happen. No oneed to read into it. He's acting normal. I should, too.

'I bet you Jungkook is doing something stupid in front of the door.' I let out a struggling chuckle as I got up and pushed my hair back, then tugged on my shirt to straighten it

'Very possibly.' He agreed

I hurried to the front door with Jimin right behind me, helping me leave a wet trail all over the house. It only took one look for Jungkook to stop complaining about how we betrayed him and jumped in without them, and then they sprinted and cannonballed into the pool themselves.

At least I didn't have to worry about it being awkward considering Jimin was having a new war with the guys in the water, not in the slightest bothered with the earlier situation. I guess it's better to let go of it. 

Nothing happened. 

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