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This is it. This is what I've been waiting for. This is what I've been training for my whole life. The chance to compete in the Hunger Games.

Coming from district 2 — a career district, it's only natural that the odds are in my favour. I've begun my training from an early age, and I've volunteered every year until I'm finally chosen now, at the age of 16.

And I intend to win. To follow in my brother, Jason's, footsteps when he won his game 9 years ago in the 61st Hunger Games at age 15. Ever since then, our whole family has been held in much higher respect in our district, and we currently reside in the Victor's Village. Jason's been training much harder as well, and I am pleased to say that I am now proficient in knives, swords, bows, and axes (although my preferred choice are knives), and I am able to handle any environment and landscape that the game makers throw at me.

Now on the the train to the Capitol, I admit that I feel a little nervous, but I immediately dismiss the feeling. I cannot afford to feel any fear.

"Hey, little sis," Jason calls to me, breaking me out of my thoughts as I turn to him. "You ready for this?"

I smirk confidently, replying, "What, scared I'll get cold feet?"

He shoves me in the shoulder affectionately. "Course not, you're my sister, aren't you?"

Jason is going to be my mentor in the games, and the other tribute, Romulus, will be mentored by Nero, who won the 57th Hunger Games.

Jason lowers his voice slightly as he says, "Just... be careful out there, okay? It's different than what you think."

My lips pull down in a frown at his words, but I nod nonetheless, just in time for the train to roll to a stop.

"Welcome to the Capitol."


Standing in the middle of the room half-dressed is definitely not my favourite way to spend my day.

But of course, one has to do what one must to gain an advantage. And in this case, that means having a drop-dead gorgeous outfit for the parade.

My main stylist, Leto, snaps her fingers, and 3 more stylists immediately enter the room, bringing in a golden dress and shiny chest piece with wings protruding out the back like a heaven-sent angel — a striking outfit to represent district 2's masonry. My eyes glisten at the sight, especially when I think of all the sponsors I'll have in my pocket after the parade.

Being the sister of a victor, I'm already fairly well-known in the capital. Of course, I'm not as famous as the actual victors, but after this game, I have no doubt I will be.

"This will look fantastic on you," Leto all but gushes as I put on the dress and suit. I smile at her as I twirl and admire my reflection in the mirror. I wonder what the other districts have in store this time. To be honest, the uglier they are, the better. That means that the audience will only be captivated by the career districts, and the odds will be in our favour.

"Come on, sweetie," Leto says. "Let's get you out there." It's almost time for the parade.

"Harmony!" My brother shouts as soon as he sees me. He calls me over to where he is standing with his other victor friends. "You look stunning, little sis."

I smirk, knowing I have to put on a show. "When do I not?"

Enobaria laughs and pats me on the back. "I like your confidence, exactly like your brother in that regard."

"Where's Romulus?" I ask, and my brother gestures behind me. I turn and spot my district partner along with his mentor Nero making their way over to us.

"I assume you'll be in an alliance together," Jason tells me, and I get the feeling it's more of an order than a confirmation. I'm not complaining though. Romulus is a fierce fighter; he will be a great help up until the point where there's only a few of us left.

"Along with district 1, I believe," Brutus adds. "The tributes this year are Amethyst and Blaze. Together, you'll make a formidable career pack."

"Jason, Brutus, Enobaria," Nero nods to each of them in turn when they reach us. The victors start to strategise together, plotting to gain sponsors and making plans for survival. Romulus seems to be in his own world, thinking by himself. And I'm just standing here, bored out of my mind.

"I'm gonna go have a look around," I mumble to no one in particular and set off on my own little adventure around the chariot space.

I stroll around the area aimlessly, directionless. When I pass the district 1 tributes, they nod to me in acknowledgment and I nod back. We're allies, but we're not friends by any means. I have no friends here, and I don't plan to make any. All the other tributes will soon be dead anyways.

"You alright there?" A voice suddenly calls amid the chaos and noise.

I turn and see Finnick Odair, the capitol's golden boy, in front of me.

"You're not lost, are you?" He asks almost mockingly, and I might be able to come up with a snarky retort if I'm not too boys staring at him. Because the only thing going through my brain at the moment is "damn, he's fine".

I'm just lucky I have the self-control not to say it out loud.

"I'm fine, just... looking around," I reply a beat later.

Finnick's lips pull up into a smirk, almost as if he knows why I hesitated and what I was just thinking. It infuriates me that he can read me so easily.

"You're Harmony, right? District 2?"

"Yes, and I should be getting back to my chariot and my mentors now," I quickly reply, sensing that I'm getting flustered for no apparent reason. I turn away and walk back the way I came, although I swear I can feel his eyes on me even after I've blended into the crowd and reached my chariot, just in time for the parade to start. 

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now