Start from the beginning

"Guys i really can't come"
"Nope you are coming and that's final"Vivian says and Blake smiled at me.
"Guys you know why I can't come,my parents would be mad if i get grounded in the dorm"
"Well we would cone back by 11pm, it's no biggies, the dorm supervisor closes all entrance by 12 so if we return by 11 there's no chance of getting grounded"Blake explains and as much as what he said made sense, i don't think i was ready for this party.

"Well Ryan if I'm going,you are coming too"i say nudging him.
"Ok"he replied plainly and the bell went off for last period.
The bell went off and everyone started making their way to the exit, the time was set for 6pm when everyone should start getting ready because by 7 we should be on our way.

Vivian was leaving with Blake and Ryan because they had revision on biology today and i didn't tale biology with them so i rushed over to them and asked to talk to Vivian.
"Viv, can i talk to you for a minute"
"Ok,i know what you wanna ask and if its about what i and Kyle talked about, its about your necklace and i also told him your moms name because he asked about the necklace and who owned it. That's all and if you might be wondering what i and Ryan talked about well Ryan's just worried about your safety and he asked me to look out for you, well not that I wasn't doing that before but he's so caring he asked me to do it properly"Vivian ranted as she took a deep breath and smiled.

"Damn viv,what can you not tell me"i say looking at my perfect best friend.
"Well I can't tell you that i think Ryan likes you and that you would seduce a lot of boys if you wore a skirt tonight because i know you would not but yeah I can't tell you these for now"
"Apparently you have"i say laughing at Vivian and her big mouth.
"Shoot, guess i did, anyways see ya later I've got to get to class"she says as she race down the hall to the biology lab.

Vivian was really someone no one can hate that's why I'm so happy that shes my best friend.
Right now i was alone because no one from the group took arts with me, so i walked to the art studio thinking about why Kyle was asking about my necklace ,when i saw Bryan in the class.
Apparently i didn't notice that Bryan took art with me because he wasn't always in class but today he was sitting right at my desk examining my works.

I rushed over to him and asked why he was at my desk because he was never in class so he really didn't have a seat.
"Ummm, why are you here"i asked.
"Your names not on the desk babe"Bryan replied smirking at me with those dirty lips that have kissed almost every girl in school.
"Well it sure is"i say, pointing to where i carved my name on my desk.
"O...k,fine ill sit somewhere else but you do remember me right"
"Yes i remember your stupid face, I literally punched you."i murmured, rolling my eyes.
"Heard ya!"Bryan says and i had a lump in my throat.

Was it that I could never murmur or whisper so no one else would hear or was it that they were all in my head.
It was funny how Bryan tried to look stylish when he walked pass me and came back to remind me of that party he talked about the last time at the get together. He had a scent I couldn't describe if it were his cologne or alcohol but it smelled traumatizing.

"You coming today right"he ask
"Umm to the party?nope there's another one ill be going to" i reply
"If its the one Casey invited Blake to, well that's the same party" he says
"How did you know Casey invited Blake"i ask as i dropped my bag on the table and stood slanted.
"I saw you guys in the cafeteria today,Casey doesn't have any business with any of you on that table except for Blake and as expected she went straight to him and I guess that was what she talked about. Blake wouldn't want to go alone so I figured he invited all of you on that table including my jerk of a brother" Bryan replied

"Hey!, Ryan's not a jerk, if anyones the jerk it'd be you and yeah maybe its the same party"i say
"Ok ok jeez, you always stand up for Ryan all the time and you don't even know him that much,well anyways that's none of my concern, see you at the party doll face " Bryan says before winking at me and leaving the class.

Of course i knew Ryan well, i could say i did and why in the world of marshmallows is everyone coming up with a nickname for me literally everyday someone calls me something other than Amaya.
First it was Kyle calling me bunny now Bryans calling me doll face, ugh I'll kill to be invisible again,because these boys were driving me off a cliff.

So basically Bryan came to class to  show me his pretty face,upset me,remind me of a stupid party and just leave like that. How did this dude make it to senior year. I'd bet my life that he threatens the principal or vandalized her car. Bryan was such a bad boy.
I shrugged all the silly thoughts of Bryan  from my head because as Ryan said before "stay away from him he is dangerous"
I was going to do just that.

Arts class was always fun because a few number of students chose it as electives and since i didn't have any interest in the other subjects, i chose arts because I could carve,draw,paint and most of all vent sometimes.
The class was ending with we the students analyzing the Mona Lisa paining of Leonard da Vinci which no one assigned us to but we just wanted to share what we thought of the paining.

I told the class that the painting seems creepy because why is she always smiling at you no matter the angle you look at her.
Edward made a comment that maybe Da Vinci was In love with someone that looked like Mona Lisa so he painted her out. I couldn't help but laugh at what Edward said but come to think of it he made a little sense there. 
I watched as everyone gave their opinions and Mrs Andreas nodding and smiling at our contributions made me feel at ease.

I wasn't thinking of Kyle,Ryan,neither Bryan, i was just in a class with a bunch of brainy people doing us and chilling.
Our period for arts was over and we had closed school for the day. I hurried out of the class to Vivian and Blakes biology class to wait for them so we could go to our room together.
While waiting for my best friends, the minions approached me and ohhhboy...they looked like cats with their short skirts and furred jackets. I didn't quite understand why they were in front of me right now bit whatever it was,they should take it always from my ear i didn't want to hear it.

"Umm loser, i noticed you were with Ryan on the lunch table today, so what are you, his healing person or sideline"Carrie opened her mouth and trashed rubbish at me.
"You talking to me"i asked looking around and being the coolest i could ever be.
"Yes b!tch"Carrie replied
"Hmm"i say nodding my head.
Like I wasn't in for a quarrel with these girls because they seemed fragile and I definitely would kill one of them if they get on my nerves.

"Are you deaf, didn't you hear Carrie talking to you"Casey asks rudely and I couldn't stand it anymore.
I took one step towards them and gave them a piece of my mind, just a little bit.
"Well if you may know, you guys are talking trash, I can't hear trash, but you know what can...? The bin, so take your mouths with whatever comes out of them and head to the trash can right there and get married cause that's where it belongs"i say with every atom of disgust and anger in me and at that moment a junior was passing and heard me before he shouted "burnnnn,carries supremacy is getting roasted by Amaya"

I looked around within a twinkle of an eye to see a crowd was forming and i knew exactly what was coming next.......... "THE ULTIMATE FIGHT CHANT."
That moment Vivian and Blake got out of their class and i rushed outside with the both of them.
"Phew, that was heading somewhere"i say in relief because I didn't want to be going around fighting with popular girls in my senior year, I've done enough fighting in middle school.

"That was intense, what happened?"Blake asked.
"Let's get going I'll tell you on our way"i replied.

On our way to our dorm i explained to Blake and Vivian what my conversation with Carrie was about and Vivian instantly wanted to rush back to give them a piece of her fist as she puts it but she didn't because Blake held her back.
We reached our room and Kyle was already there. The sight of him made me remember that i had serious conversation with him about why he wanted to know where i got my necklace from and why he was so interested in moms name......................................

My ans: I have several Times and at some point it feels like I'm fighting with my mind😭

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