Twenty four.

36 0 0

TW: Blood, fighting.

(Azara's POV)

I quickly got suited up in my flight gear and met Inferno at the cargo plane that would be taking us to the location of the stolen aircrafts. So that we could be dropped off undetected.

I stood in front of him and brought my hand to my brow in a salute.

He returned the gesture before pulling me into a hug. "I love you 3000, punk." He said softly.

"I love you 3000, jerk." I let a single tear slip down my face. Now was not the time.

I had to stay strong, for my team and for myself.

Rooster arrived and the three of us boarded the plane. After we had flown for a few minutes it was reported over the radio that Coyote, Phoenix and Bob had taken off.

Now it was a 10 hour flight towards Russia. In 11 hours there would be a gap where we would retrieve the stolen aircrafts.


Ten hours and a few fuel stops later we made it to the hanger in Russia. We made sure that Phoenix, Bob and Coyote were ready and in position before the plane dropped us off a few kilometers outside the border of the air base and flew away.

We took a moment to get ourselves ready before we started making our way through the forest towards the base.

It wasn't going to be easy. There were multiple defenses including; many armed guards, jets defending the airspace and security systems.

Luckily the rest of our team would take care of the air defenses.

We would just have to fight our way through.

We had barely passed the border when five armed guards spotted us. They were all clad in army green protective uniforms. Each carrying a gun.

They instantly fired at us. I gasped as a bullet flew past my head at a rapid speed.

The man was average height, stocky with dark hair. He had a thick beard and obviously a thick accent.

He holstered his gun so quickly I didn't even notice and threw a punch at me, hitting me in the shoulder. It caused a throbbing pain but I ignored it.

I tried to punch him back but he ducked and sprang up, kicking my feet from under me.

I landed with a thud. The breath knocked out of me. I stood up and tried to throw another punch at him but he defended and punched me in the nose.

I cried out as an intense pain shot through my face. My eyes watered as blood poured out of my nose. "Well that's definitely broken." I muttered to no one in particular.

I elbowed him aggressively in the gut as he doubled over from surprise and then I used my fist to punch straight up and collide with his chin. His head snapped straight back and he fell unconscious.

I spared a glance at the boys. Rooster had knocked out one guy and was busy dodging a tall guy with a knife.

Inferno was busy fighting another one of the men.

I returned to my task at hand and faced up against the last guy who was coming at me with a knife.

What was it with these people and knives?

This man was even more heavily built than the previous guy.

I managed to punch him on the cheek making him stumble slightly. He then swiped his knife at me but I couldn't dodge it and I hissed as he cut my arm.

The pieces of my puzzle. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin