Enamorado (in love)

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You've started realized that Isaac and lee seemed a bit down so you got your car and drove them to Monty's ice cream shop you payed and you also took them out for dinner and you kinda cheered them up a bit so you took them to watch a movie and bought them video games you also bought lee a new skateboard after the shopping spree you guys had you took them home lee ran inside with his new skateboard and you and Isaac were holding hands the whole way in he kisses you while the sunsets and all of a sudden you see Jordan with his camera recording you guys kissing you laugh while you guys are kissing and you run inside still holding Isaac's hand running upstairs

You guys walk downstairs to play the new games you bought the boys you get Isaac's control for him and he shows you how to play he holds the control and puts the control in your hands and moves the buttons for you,he puts his head on your shoulder you win the game and give him a kiss then you go to bed after the very long day

You and him go into the dining room to eat dinner holding hands under the table you both laugh a lot and always stare into each-others eyes

You go outside to play soccer and he follows behind you,you both always play with each other and he always trips you so you fall in his arms then kissses you

The man who owns my heart || Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now