Chapter 10

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Previously, on Heartfelt Roses:


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With a heavy sigh, Y/N flopped down the cafeteria tablesー tired as Fang looked over, confused.

"You good?" He asked, as Y/N groaned in annoyance.

"Tired. Really tired." She yawned, making Fang chuckle. It was quite rare to see Fang not trying to bully the living heck outta' Y/N, so it was quite shocking.

"I swear, we barely get any time off. If my case has it that I don't get breaksー I wonder how Captain Kaizo's still holding up." She continued, ranting about how tiring it can be to work at TAPOPS.

"Well, you're too far in the rabbit hole to quit, besidesーIt's not that bad." Fang assured her.

"Well, I guess it can be fun.. But the stress is killing me! Just as you think you can rest now, after saving a powersphera, suddenly you have to make a whole report and send it to the higher ups!" Y/N muttered, scratching her head aggressively with both hands, as Fang patted her back.

"Calm down, we're just.. Low on staff. Yeah." The shadow manipulator tried to reason, but deep down he knewー she had a point. But he wasn't going to admit that, wouldn't he now? As the psychic manipulator kept ranting and ranting, hours on endー the 2 were finally called up to do another tedious task into saving a powersphera. DestroBot. Powersphera of destructionー giving the user explosive abilities and such. As you landed on the planet, dread filled her mind.

"I can not believe that stupid Commander.. Just forced us to do this!" She ranted out, kicking a rock hard as it skimmed through the rocky ground.

"Calm down, commander, could hear that you know?" Fang scolded, as Y/N sighed.

"I guess. Let's just find Destrobot and get out of here." She said, walking off to wherever, Fang followed behind, enjoying the fact they're not bickering. It gave him peace of mind, and so did Y/N. Despite feeling stressed about the absurd amount of workload, the silence was.. Comfortable.

Well, the comfort was broken after Y/N fell in a really deep crater.

"Y/n?! Are you alive?!" Fang called outー worried.

"I found Destrobot!" The voice replied, looking up, holding a grey powered off powersphera.

"Shadow grab!" Fang chanted, dragging Y/N back up to the surface of the planet, letting her down.

"Thanks for that Fang." She thanked, even though it was obvious she didn't want toー making him smirk.

"It's no problem, my awesome powers will help you all the time." He grinned smugly, making Y/N groan in annoyance, before walking back to the spaceship.

"Today went horrid." Y/N whined, striking a conversation up on the brink of silence, making Fang chuckle.

"It wasn't that bad." Fang said.

"It was tiring. This week has been tiring, wish the commander gave us a break to be honest." She sighed, as the communicator glew a light blue, then displayed a hologram of Commander Koko Ci.

"I am sorry to say, Lance Corporal Y/N and Fang, you must stay there until tomorrow, since TAPOPS is well, currently under attack. It will be hard for you both to pilot back inside, and with extremely powersphera, it is too much of a risk. So please remain there untilー


"As i was saying, until tommorowーsince the station should be clear from attacking foes by then." He announced, before doing the TAPOPS salute and turning the call off.

"Well, that's something I'm willing to take." Y/n shrugged as they finally reached Fang's spaceship. As they entered, they secured Destrobot in a powersphera locker room, and separated as they entered different small compact bedrooms inside it.

Y/N flopped down the bed, regaining her thoughts.

'Was it the right idea to join TAPOPS?'

'Do I really like Fang?'

'No.. these thoughts are silly. Of course it's a good idea to join TAPOPS.'

'But.. Fang..'

Her mind wanderedー contemplating if she does have a crush on the egotistical Shadow Manipulator. She just sighed loudly, before grabbing her phone and scrolling through instagram endlessly, as until finally, her eyes start to falterー as she turned off her phone, set it aside and finally went to sleep.

As for Fang? Well.. He's having a mental breakdown. Why? Same reason as Y/N. He can't fall for someone as idiotic like her, right? He's too good for her! Or so he used to think. Now, he thinks she's too good for him. He never expected things to happen this way.

'Maybe I do love you, but am just not sure yet.'

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