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The sun mocks me
As she touches your face
Her rays caress you lovingly
Hold you tightly in warm embrace

She teases,
She taunts me,
In a union that haunts me.
My watery eyes may only see
and envy the radiance of her shining beauty.

My cold blood burns with longing
as my face breaks through to meet her scorn.
My icy glare, now defiant and scorching
views a world to which i was not born.

Her searing touch beats upon my skin,
In adamant insistence i flash forth my fin.
The glint from afar now catches his eye
The sun stuns herself and suppresses a cry

Turning away in hasty retribution
She craftily blinds him.
As i sink into submission
she fiercely denies him my very existence
As i return below
to the depths of my essence.

Beneath the surface I twist and play
While swiftly dodging each scorching ray.
I bide my time...
I ache for night...
But darkness hides me from his sight.

My frozen heart has lost it's spirit
Try as i might, I may never revive it.
Oceans divide us...
The world has denied us
the chance
to ever dance
in each others tender arms.

Amidst the silent rants and rave,
I stop to yearn and cease to crave...
The love for you which I once gave...

Lies dead and buried in a watery grave.

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