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 Several men secretly climbed up the high wall excitedly. They made up their mind to send the sixth and fourth children up later, and then let the fourth lie on the wall to help the sixth to get down, so as to avoid One person made too much noise after jumping down. After they all opened the door and went in, they took the fourth child down from the wall and sneaked into the other person's room to search for food and jewelry.

  The rustling sound continued outside the courtyard door. Dahei and the others all stared at the courtyard wall eagerly. No one made a sound, but a few pairs of eyes never left the courtyard wall, as if they wanted to see through the wall. Looking at the situation on the opposite side, they all stopped swinging their big tails, which usually looked like fire wheels, and became deadlocked. They wrinkled their noses, smelling the unfamiliar human smell in the air, and all showed their white teeth.

  If you want to sneak into their master's house in the middle of the night, you have to see if they agree! Xiaoqi and the others have made up their minds, and they will bite those bad guys crying for their fathers and mothers!

  Qin Suyun didn't hear these silent confrontations outside at all. She slept late last night and slept deeply. In addition, she had unreserved trust in Dahei and the others. She always slept with her belly open at home. I believe that if a thief breaks into her house, there will be so many dogs in the house, they will howl to remind her.

 But Qin Suyun probably didn't expect that Da Hei Xiao Qi and the others were so courageous and thoughtful. After discovering the thief, they didn't even scream. They all squatted in the yard, waiting for the thief to come out. After jumping off the wall, you bite the opponent and you can't take care of yourself.

  As for the chirping sleeping in the bird's nest on the third floor, he didn't hear any sound at all. As a chirping bird, he naturally has the worst hearing in the family. Qin Suyun slept soundly at home, not to mention Chicha, who got into the bird's nest and fell asleep. Even Heidou easily climbed into the third floor and climbed on the peach tree next to him, and Chicha couldn't wake up.

  Heidou shook his beard and looked to the side. The bird's nest was buried in the bird's nest, only a red butt was exposed and it was sleeping soundly. The whole cat's face was full of disgust, and even the facial features were wrinkled into a very humane shape. Even if His entire face was covered in black fur, and he couldn't hide his disgusted expression. He stared at the silly parrot for two seconds. Seeing that the other party didn't show any signs of waking up, Heidou wrinkled his nose and turned to stare downstairs. A few dark shadows disappeared.

  "Hurry up, hurry up? Why haven't you healed yet? My waist is almost broken by you! Eat less in the future. Why are you so fat?"

  Among the six people, the eldest stood aside to watch, while the second and third eldest all followed the posture of stacking Arhats and sent people to the courtyard wall. These guys were skilled in their movements. They had obviously done this kind of thing many times before. 3 meters The height of 5 meters is really nothing to them. If they occasionally climb up the wall to build a unit on the seventh or eighth floor, there will be no problem at all. If this wall wasn't bare and there was no place to draw strength from, they wouldn't even need to stack up like this to climb up with the help of sewer pipes or anti-theft nets.

  "Second brother, stop talking! I'll wake up the sleeping people inside later. I'll see how you end it then?!" The third child gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice, but stared at the fourth and sixth children without blinking. The person's movements were hoping that the speed of these two people would be faster. The weight of these people could crush him below.

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