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The signal was destroyed, the road section collapsed, and the entire Wanxi Village was almost cut off from the outside world. If the radio hadn't been repaired at noon, they might not have known about the distribution of relief supplies above.

  Therefore, Zhao Xingguo and the others were even more unclear about matters in the county.

  Zhao Xingguo originally wanted to ask Zhao Tianliang and the others to go to the county people's hospital first and find a medicine doctor to help the villagers treat their wounds and save as much as they could.

  By the way, I also asked Zhao Tianliang and the others to go to the county government if they have the chance. It would be better if they could get rescue help from the county government.

  I just didn't expect that Zhao Tianliang and the others would go there for so long and bring back news of chaos in the county...

  Zhao Xingguo's heart sank, and his face became more and more ugly. Even Zhao Zhengde and several village stewards on the side stared at Zhao Tianliang with serious expressions, waiting for his next words.

  "After the earthquake, the road section from the village to the county seat was severely damaged. Originally, we could reach these dozens of miles by bicycle in two hours at most. But after the road section was damaged, we walked for more than six hours. Arriving at the county seat..."

  Zhao Tianliang slowly told the story of how he and two other people from the village went to the county seat, "But it was getting late at that time, so in order not to waste time, we went directly to the county people's hospital... But the situation in the county hospital was very bad. , except for the outpatient building, the two inpatient buildings of the hospital collapsed! All the patients, doctors and nurses were buried underneath. It took us a long time to find Dr. Zhou who was willing to come with us. The village comes to help. If other doctors are not buried underground, they are not willing to come to the village with us."

  "But even though the man was found, we couldn't rush on the road in the middle of the night... so we had to stay at the county hospital for one night, and then went to the county government not far away to inquire about the situation... However, when we went there, The county government has long since been emptied of people, and there are no staff standing there at all. After we made inquiries, we found out that all the people in the county government had moved to the two best department stores in the county for refuge."

"We didn't know the reason at first, but we found out later when we went there that, except for the two newly built department stores on the commercial street in the old district of the county, most of the remaining shops collapsed during the earthquake... The entire county The strongest houses are these two department stores." Speaking of this, Zhao Tianliang shook his head and sighed: "Many houses in the county took longer to build than the houses in our village. Especially in the center of the county. Many of the houses were built in the last century... When the earthquake hit, almost none of those houses were saved. Many people in the disaster-stricken county had their houses collapsed and had no place to live, so they poured directly into the two department stores. ..."

  "It's dawn, you've been talking for a long time and I still don't understand what you mean. What's going on? It's normal for houses to collapse during this earthquake. Didn't most of the houses in our village collapse as well? But this won't damage the county seat. Are you in trouble?" Uncle Jiu's old and thin face showed a look full of doubts.

 "Ninth Uncle, don't worry, I will tell you what happens next!" Zhao Tianliang looked helplessly at Ninth Uncle. Their Ninth Uncle was an impatient person and started urging him before he even finished speaking.

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