Chapter 4: Mates are Everything

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Taylor and Ally were in the kitchen, helping the staff cook dinner. The girls were playing with the werewolf pups. Hayden and I were in the study.

"So, we need to get the witches to ally with us. The three strongest supernatural creatures will be allies and then nothing can break us," Hayden said as she was getting us drinks.

"It shouldn't be too hard to get them to ally with us. Wasn't our friend, Tris, a witch?" I asked.

"I think so," Hayden replied.

The girls walked into the study. They sat down next to Hayden and I/

"Babe, you should tell us the story of how you and Hayden met and became friends," Taylor said.

"Ok. That was quite the night," I said.

I was walking around in the dark forest. I was hanging out with my friends and we were laughing. It was when I didn't hear any laughing that I finally looked behind me. I didn't see the trail or my friends. I was lost and had no way to contact anyone. My phone was dead and didn't have service anyway.

I started to walk backwards until I hit a tree. I heard howling in the distance. It was a full moon tonight, so that means the werewolves are out in the woods. I turned that means the werewolves are out in the woods. I turned around and ran using my vampire speed to get away. Sadly, I wasn't fast enough to get away. The werewolf caught up with me, but then she started licking my face. The black golden werewolf stopped licking me and got off of me. She let me get on her back and ride on her back.

The black golden werewolf took me back to her castle. The werewolf turned back into a girl. The girl had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was about 4'5" and she was the same age as me, 8 years old.

"My name is Hayden, I'm a werewolf as you saw. What's your name?" Hayden asked me.

"I'm Zoey, I'm the vampire princess. Thank you for saving me back there. I lost the trail and my friends. I thought you were going to hurt me, but you didn't. I was taught that werewolves and vampires are enemies," I explained to Hayden.

That was the beginning of Hayden and I's friendship.

"Wait, you never told me that Hayden had saved you that night," Ally said.

"I never got the chance," I reminded her.

"Anyway, we need to take a road trip," Hayden said making the girls look at her.

"Yes, we do. The trip should only be for a few days. But it is going to be a 2-day trip to get where we are going," I said as Hayden and I stood up.

"Where are we going?" Taylor and Ally asked at the same time.

"We are going to visit an old friend," Hayden replied.

"Is that all you are going to tell us?" Becca asked.

"For now, yes. Now let's go to eat," I said as Hayden and I shared a smirk.

We walked out into the dining hall and ate dinner. After dinner, Hayden and I went back to the study while the girls packed for our road trip.

"So, Tris is going to have a welcoming party for us when we get there," I said after getting off the phone with Tris.

"It's going to be nice to get the trio back together. We had some awesome times when the trio were together," Hayden said.

"How do you think the girls will react when we tell them where we are going?" I asked.

"Ally isn't going to be happy about there being another supernatural "enemy" friend, besides me," Hayden replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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