Chapter 26 - Old and new friends I

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Naruto was glad that his hand was now habitually gripped around the strap of the shoulder bag that held his most valuable camera equipment as he deplaned, since he wasn't entirely sure if he was awake or asleep. The airport signs in his native language directed him to passport control, then down to baggage claim, which he managed to follow despite being half-asleep. He closed his eyes while he waited for the bags to arrive, listening to the sounds of his own language being spoken all around him, letting it wash over him soothingly. He was home, whatever that might mean at the moment, this was it.

The familiarity of everything put him at ease after months of constantly navigating unfamiliar countries, languages, and cultures. He was on his home turf, now, and could finally relax. He might have briefly fallen asleep leaning against one of the steel pillars while he was waiting for his large duffle to make its way down the conveyor belt, but the sound of a little girl giggling (at him) woke him up in time for him to grab the heavy bag off the moving assembly line of identical black bags.

He made it through customs and out to the taxi stand, grateful that Jiraiya had told him just to take a cab from the airport rather than leaving his car at the airport and paying for four months of parking. Naruto was so exhausted he could barely see straight and he probably would not have been able to drive to Kiba's house in this shape. Kiba had told him he was going to take the weekend off to spend some time together, but Naruto wondered if he were going to be awake for much of it. He felt like he could sleep for days.

Naruto sighed as he got into the back of a familiar-looking taxi, speaking to the driver in his native tongue, and knowing without even having to ask that his credit card would work and he wouldn't have to do a bunch of mental math on currency exchange rates to make sure he wasn't getting gouged. Naruto leaned his head against the back of the seat, his eyes closing before the driver had even pulled away from the curb.

He didn't wake up until they reached Kiba's house and his neck slightly stiff from sleeping at an odd angle on the fifty minute ride from the airport. He realized he'd forgotten to call Kiba when he'd gotten in the cab like he was supposed to, but the lights were on in the house so at least Naruto wouldn't find himself locked out. He hoped.

Naruto paid the cabbie and got his stuff out of the trunk. He was just walking up the steps to the front door when Kiba flung it open and ran out, grabbing Naruto in a bear hug.

"Dumbass! You were supposed to call me when you landed! I was wondering where the fuck you were. I checked your flight and it came in on time but I hadn't heard from you," Kiba pulled back, looking Naruto up and down. "Wow, you look..."

Naruto's hair was bleached even lighter from the days in the sun, his skin tanned several shades darker and his much leaner form clearly defined by his worn-too-thin T-shirt and jeans. Naruto shifted the bag that was slung over his shoulder, and Kiba caught the edge of the tattoo that snaked over the upper part of his bicep.

"Whoa! Is that..." Kiba grabbed Naruto's arm, shoving the sleeve of his tight orange T-shirt up over his shoulder. "Did you get a tat?"

Naruto laughed tiredly, bumping his shoulder into Kiba's. "Can you at least buy a guy dinner before you rip my clothes off? I know you missed me, but... dinner first, bruh."

Kiba laughed, then looked over to where his elderly neighbor was watching them disapprovingly as she took her dog out for a walk. He blushed slightly. "Sorry, man."

Naruto nudged one of his bags toward Kiba. "Be useful and take one of these."

They headed inside and Naruto almost cried in sheer bliss when he saw two bags from his favorite ramen take-out on Kiba's kitchen counter. "Oh, my god. I think I might ask you to marry me."

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