He really didn't leave me any choice and instead he put on his shoes and took the car keys from the counter.


'For once in your life, don't argue. Let's go.'

He walked out ahead of me, dragging me behind him by my wrist, and nearly shoving me in the car. 

'Right. Point the way.'

It's barely a 10 minute drive, so it didn't take long to get to my place. 

'Jesus fuck why are you even coming to our place with a house like this?' He was in a state of shock, leaning over his steering wheel to look through his windshield.

'You're more than welcome to come in. There's no one home anyway.'

'Some other time, maybe. I thought you were in a hurry.' He chuckles

'Oh, right. Thank you so much.' I leaned over to his seat, giving him possibly the most awkward side car hug imaginable by leaning my head on his shoulder for a moment

'Go already, you leech.' He chuckled, making me snort a little. What a dick.

I got out and almost closed the door, but stopped when my mouth decided to speak before my brain worked through the thoughts. 'Hey, do you maybe wanna come over tonight?' 

'How about you deal with your meeting first, and then think about that?' He smiled at me

'I'm multitasking. And now I'm not asking anymore. Bring your nice ass here by 9. Bring the kids if you want.'

I didn't wait for the answer before I closed the door and ran off up the stairs. I am sooo going to be late.

Jimin actually saved my ass. I needed those extra 10 minutes. I made it just in time. And now I'm sitting in front of a yet another ceo, who is about a slap away because he's staring at my legs without any shame. But if it works, I won't complain. He even allowed me to record the conversation without a single question asked.

I asked him the same questiones I asked CEO Lee yesterday, and got the same answers. Eleanor slandered Jimin and had asked him not to employ him in his company.

'How have you heard of Jimin Park in the first place, if that's alright to ask?'

'I saw the work he did for SouLife, of course. But of course, I wouldn't want someone so difficult in my company.'

'I understand.' I smile and nod. 'But, have you ever met him in person?'

'No. Not at all. I've seen him work once about a year back, but we never exchanged a single word.' 

'So, you decided not to employ him based off of what Miss Dowen had told you? You don't actually know what it's like to work with him?'

'Of course. He was her employee, and she is well respected amongst the photography branches. I figured I would save myself some trouble and take her advice.' He chuckled lightly

'Well, thank you so much for your help, Mr. Miyu. I greatly appreciate it.' I bowed as much as I could sitting down

I stood up and watched as he traced me up and down in the most pervy way, but I kept my mouth shut. Just remember, Shinae, you're doing this for Jimin. Don't fuck it up.

I managed to survive that asshole, and finally got to my last meeting. This time, a female CEO. She was a lot less pervy, but she was stuck up. And she did not care in the slightest if she was being recorded and what it was used for. She was treating it like she is a celebrity and I am interviewing her. 

'Jimin Park... Ahh, yes. I know him. I have worked with him twice in the past, before he went to SouLife. That was some time ago. Nice kid.' 

'Then how come his application was rejected? Did he not meet your standards?'

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