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It's a coincidence how they find each other in many places, like the heavens had always meant for their souls to meet.

Mina, however, knew better than to believe in tales and fall into the trap of her own delusions, so she doesn't. She tries not to, atleast.

They're already in a relationship of sorts, anyway: Friendship.

At some point, it’s quite tragic, Mina knows—She pretty much did since she realized every step she takes toward Jeongyeon, she's falling, slipping right onto the warmth of her arms.

One pretty little thing's about to crumble apart, the voice inside her mind leaves her pale and scared. So, she can't  help but think if she's more like Sana, bold and confident and, well, somewhat flirty too, then maybe this whole thing wouldn't be much of a problem; Rejection wouldn't hurt and risk wouldn't be something to fear.

But then she isn't.


It's a coincidence how Mina finds Jeongyeon in many places, like every breath she releases has a way of calling her presence into existence—one that isn't even funny anymore. It just has a way of urging Mina to set her truths free, reveal everything she's been burying deep in the pit of her stomach and let loose (Her affection has been growing and anytime soon, it'll overflow, with it being too much to bear and too much to control).

Behind a bookshelf in their half filled library, far in the backside of the room, a sense of caution engulfed Mina. She hears some faint sound of lego pieces and sees a familiar figure right over the books. At that point, despite having no correlation with religion, she prays for Jeongyeon to remain oblivious of her presence.

But she prayed too late.

"Eh? Mina?" At the sound of Jeongyeon's voice (surprised and a bit curious), Mina halts and quietly scowls at herself for being caught. "Are you looking for a book? Want me to help you?"

Mina tries her best looking like she got a hold of herself and smiles politely as Jeongyeon guides her the way. She nodded a yes out of reverence.

As cliché as it may sound, the proximity of their distance and Jongyeon’s mellow voice got Mina's heart thumping against her chest, hard.

Jeongyeon reaches for the book that's located at the top of the shelf, and Mina internally cusses it. That’s the sole reason she's in a risky situation right now.

Being alone with Jeongyeon, whilst owning a heart that only keeps overflowing, is not a safe combination, so Mina takes a step back after she gets the book. She doesn't want to make any mistakes. Jeongyeon might drown.

A lego piece crunches under Mina's shoe. The half built lego tower and the messy floor in tiny colors washed her with nostalgia. She swallows the feeling before she could stride back to when they were at the ripe age of five, bonded over the same hobby.

"Is this where you hide from the teachers now?" Mina asks to show she hasn't forgotten about their silently wavering friendship. They haven't been talking that much these days. Mina's always so busy with the schoolworks she procrastinates over. "Did they catch you sneaking to the rooftop this time?"

Jeongyeon grins, proud. "You guessed it right." And then there's her wink. It’s a habit that comes after her cheeky lines. Mina's heart jumps on her throat, stuck. She remembers the nth time she used to help Jeongyeon get away from them.

But she stops herself from going any further or any deeper in the topic, because it'll end up being a mistake. "Well then, I'll get going now."

"Already?" A pout appears on Jeongyeon's lips. Mina thinks she might burst.

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