CHAPTER FIVE, fun day together

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After school, Hollyn went to The Lark Cafe where she knew Will's fiancé, Hayley, worked. She hadn't seen her since she got back and she was looking forward to catching up with her. Hollyn opens the door to the cafe, holding it up for an older woman who had been walking out. She smiled friendly at her, telling her to have a good day after the old woman thanked her before she walked inside the cafe. The smell of coffee and freshly baked goods filled the air and she smiled at the familiar cafe. She missed this place a lot.

"Hollyn!" Hayley's excited voice brought her attention. She smiles brightly at Hayley, who stood behind the counter. "You're finally back! Will told me you got back not long ago, I'm glad you finally came. Get over here." She walked around the counter and Hollyn grinned, hugging her back when Hayley embraced her.

"It's good to see you, Hayls." Hollyn said, pulling away. She smiles apologetically. "I'm sorry I haven't visited, I was unpacking and settling in. Everything is so much different here than it is in France. Kinda hard getting used to the time difference."

"It's alright, Holly. I'm just glad to see you." Hayley smiles. "Do you want your usual?" She asked, walking back behind the counter.

"Yes, please. And Cole's usual too, I have to take my dad's truck to the auto shop so I figured I'd bring him his drink." Hollyn explains, raising her eyebrow at the knowing look on Hayley's face. "What?"

"You and Cole have been hanging out a lot, haven't you?" Hayley asked, smirking a little as she put in Hollyn's order.

"Yeah, we're best friends." Hollyn answers, furrowing her eyebrows. "And I've been gone for a long time, so of course we've been hanging out." She didn't understand what Hayley meant by that. She and Cole had always hung out.

"Mhm, okay." Hayley laughs, shaking her head. "Whatever you say." She teases. Hollyn rolls her eyes, her face turning a bit red as she gets her wallet out. "No, don't. It's on me."

"Oh, Hayley, thank you, but you don't have to do that." Hollyn shakes her head. She didn't want her to spend money on her. She smiles warmly at Hayley's generosity but also felt a pang of guilt. It had been a while since she'd seen her friends, and she didn't want to burden them with her presence, especially financially. "I appreciate it, really, but I insist on paying. I don't mind."

Hayley chuckles, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You always were stubborn, Hollyn. But if it makes you feel better, how about you pay for Cole's drink, and I'll cover yours? Think of it as a welcome back present."  

Hollyn nods, relenting with a grin. "Deal. Thanks, Hayls." She handed over the money for Cole's drink and watched as Hayley prepared their orders with practiced ease. Before she put her wallet away, she had left money in the tip jar, then leaned against the counter, waiting for the drinks. She was a little confused by the questions Hayley had asked her. Was it weird for her and Cole to be spending a lot of time together? No, she didn't think so. They've been friends for years and she hadn't been here for a year so they missed each other which would explain them hanging out a little more than normal. It's not weird. She didn't think it was weird.

"Here you go." Hayley's voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned around to face her.

"Thanks, Hayls." Hollyn smiles, taking the tray of drinks. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see ya, Holls. We need to hang out sometime and catch up, I wanna hear all about your trip to France." Hayley grinned.

"Definitely. I'll call you later." Hollyn giggled, smiling at Hayley before she left the cafe.

After she left the cafe, she went to the auto shop where Cole worked. She parked her dad's truck in the parking lot and got out, bringing the two drinks with her. The truck was old, but still ran great. Well, most of the time. It did break down on occasion.

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