PROLOGUE, sweetheart of silver falls

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Hollyn Bellwood was an only child, the apple of her parent's eyes. She was loved, cherished, and spoiled by everyone in the town she called home, Silver Falls. 

Her parents, James and Carolyn, had always did their best to raise their daughter right. And now she was 17, she had such a sweet personality and a big heart. It was hard not to love her. She had a bit of a spunky side to her, fluent in sarcasm and quick witted. Hollyn was not afraid to stand up for herself or the people she cared about. She was protective and fierce, which her parents knew she had inherited from them. She was intelligent and creative. She was an avid artist and her work had even been shown in several art shows that had been held in the town. Her anxiety is a problem though, but it wasn't nearly as bad when she was younger. She's gotten more confident over the years (mainly thanks to her best friend for helping her to come out of her shell), but the shyness and anxiety still remained. She was stubborn and strong willed, but very kind and caring.

She was the town's sweetheart and most definitely the town's darling. She didn't think she was popular at school and she didn't really care if she was popular or not. She was popular and not because of her good looks or because of being good with sports or something like that. It was because of her personality. She was kind and sweet, she had a heart of gold and she always treated others like how she wanted to be treated. She didn't take any crap, though, and she wasn't afraid to speak up. Everyone knew that if they needed help, Hollyn was the first one to offer. She had the biggest heart, always trying to see the best in people. Her parents had taught her the right way to live and how to treat others, so she would pass on those same teachings to her children and her grandchildren.

She was an A/B honor roll student and she was going to graduate with high honors. She wanted to attend an out of state school, she had always dreamt of traveling the world and get out of the small town. She loved her home, but she had big dreams. Her parents wanted the best for her, but they also wanted her to be happy. They weren't opposed to her attending an out of state school. She was an only child, their baby girl. They would miss her, but they would support her every step of the way. She could do anything she set her mind to, they had always told her that. And she believed them, too.

Hollyn and her parents lived in on Bellwood Ranch. A ranch that had been in the family for generations, it had been started by Hollyn's great grandfather, then it was passed down to her grandfather, and now it belonged to her father. He ran the ranch while her mother, Carolyn, worked as a librarian at the town's public library. Hollyn had learned everything she knew from her father. From riding horses to roping cows, it had all been taught to her by her father. She had even gone to rodeos as a little girl and won several trophies and ribbons. Her parents had been so proud of her.

Bellwood Ranch was a beautiful, expansive ranch with several acres of land and plenty of animals. They had cattle and horses, plus a couple dogs and one cat. They also had a huge vegetable garden and her mother had a flower garden. They grew their own fruits and vegetables and kept fresh flowers on hand. They often sold some of their fruits and vegetables at the market in town, they had a stall there where they sold their fresh fruits and vegetables, plus they had a few homemade goods that her mom would make. Her mom was a great chef.

Hollyn lived in a two story house with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Two bedrooms were up stairs and two were down stairs. One bathroom was down stairs, the other two were upstairs. There was a full basement and an attic. The attic was used for storage while the basement was used as the laundry room and a living space was there too, but the basement wasn't completely finished. The Bellwood's were planning on finishing the basement at some point, but hadn't gotten around to doing so yet.

They had a large kitchen, a formal dining room, and a large family room. There was also a sun room, which was one of Hollyn's favorite rooms. They had a large wraparound porch that went all the way around the house. They had a large, spacious backyard, along with a shed and a barn. They had a few acres of woods and fields. The property was surrounded by a white picket fence and there was a gate at the end of the driveway, it opened and closed automatically. The driveway was long and curvy. Bellwood Ranch had always been a very nice place to live. Hollyn loved her home. She lived nearby her best friend, the Walter's ranch was only a mile or two away from the Bellwood Ranch. And Hollyn saw the Walter's everyday. They had grown up together, their families were close. The Walter's were very nice people and they were like a second family to her.

Her best friend, Cole Walter, was her childhood best friend and her partner in crime. He was her best friend, her other half. He was her rock, her go to person, and she was his. She had seen him at his worst, and he had seen her at her worst too. They were each other's safe spaces. Cole and Hollyn were complete opposites of each other, and yet their personalities seemed to mesh perfectly. Where Cole was cocky and outgoing, Hollyn was sweet and quiet. Where Cole was a flirt and a bit of a player, Hollyn was a loyal and caring person. They balanced each other out somehow, and their friendship worked. Opposites attract, they say. That was true in the case of Hollyn and Cole.

Hollyn Bellwood and Cole Walter were the definition of "Best Friends", a friendship that was unbreakable, a friendship that was made in heaven. And maybe, just maybe, a friendship that was about to turn into something else. They both couldn't help but wonder what if they told each other how they really felt? What if they kissed, just to see how it felt? What if they decided to take the plunge and explore their relationship further, and become boyfriend and girlfriend? What if they fell in love?

The only thing they could do was find out, and hope for the best.

A/N here's a little info chapter about hollyn & her life & her friendship with cole <3 

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