While both me and Hood eat like a Gentlemen and Lady respectively. I eaten in a slightly fast pace. Which Hood question to which I responded

Admiral: I'm hungry from all that walking.

Hood slowly nodded and we continued to eat. Eventually finishing and paying the bills. With me tipping ;). Before leaving the restaurant and making our way to the park. Hood planned out this day I can tell you that much.

I leaded Hood to the park. To be a Gentlemen while holding hands because Hood requested to. And I can't refuse a Ladies Invitation so I said yes. And no that doesn't mean it's Romantic. It's classic sibling love.

Anyways. Me and Hood where now in the park. The cool breeze of the wind hit our face as we walked along, Side by side, Holding Hands like what a true couple would.

Eventually they decided to sit by a bench they found while walking. As they loom out on the horizon. Mostly their surroundings and the park itself.

It was peaceful and delightful

A feeling Admiral would thought of never feel in his life ever again.

His time in the secret dock yard always mess with him. Particularly his mind.

He really just "caged" his own mind. Forcefully putting aside his emotions.

Those times were like he was in a cage.

He only got out of that mental "cage" when he left the Yard itself. Even more with the interaction with Valiant.

He really owned him one.

Then. The sun set.

Beautiful he thought to himself as he along with Hood. Who was laying her head on Admiral's Shoulder and also still holding his hand

As a sign that she will never leave Admiral's side ever again

Both were watching the sunset together. The breeze gentle'd itself slowly. Making the whole scene look...








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A few hours later

After this rather tiring day. And a few hours later of walking back to the dock. We finally got back home.

We arrived. But we first boarded Hood's ship first. I still have 8 bags of whatever Hood bought for herself. I delivered them. Although. I am extremely tired. I was sweating in all directions and sleepy AF.

Hood would notice this

Hood: Brother?. Are you alright?

Admiral: Sleepy, Extremely tired, Exhausted. Not really okay..

Hood: Oh... How about you rest on my ship?

Admiral: No I'm fine.

I then waved a dismissive hand, Said Goodnight, Turned around and made my way towards the exit

Only for my body to "turn off" and I went unconscious.

Hood's POV

I then watched in horror as Admiral fell to the ground

I scrambled towards him to catch him. Successfully doing so.

Hood: Hoooo~. Jesus Brother!

I saw he was unconscious. Maybe his body gave up?

I looked at him for a minute before deciding...

Hood: Your sleeping in my ship tonight. Whether you like it our not.

I then carried Admiral to a special bedroom. It had a bunker bed inside instead of the normal bed. I put Admiral on the top and myself on the bottom. This was my first time sleeping with him. Kinda. But. Still. I still have my promise that I have to fulfill. And making sure he is okay by being near to him and check on him with ease is better then nothing.

Hood: Goodnight Brother

And with that. I took of my gloves, cap, hat, heels and stockings and slept for another day.

Words: 1050

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