Chapter 5. Enough

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Tina watched the two boys run towards her, trying to slow each other down.

"Tina-!" Jimmy Jr yelled but stopped when he saw her. His face turned red and he could hear his blood pump through his ears.

(Y/n) shared the same expression, they both averted their gaze.

"Tina, I do care about you! Please, can we continue our date?" Jimmy Jr asked, trying to move towards her.

Tina looked at him in disbelief, she stood up and walked towards him. She stared him in the eyes and frowned. She clenched her fist and quickly slapped him.

"You are a liar" Tina said softly.

She looked towards (Y/n) and turned around to grab her clothes. She slipped them back on and cleaned off her glasses.

"See you boys later.." Tina said, she pushed pass the boys and made her way back to her home.

Tina muttered to herself, "Stupid Jimmy Jr, stupid Tammy, stupid love".

The guys tried to follow after Tina but lost her when they got back up to the rocks.
Jimmy Jr was about to walk away until (Y/n) stopped him.

"You better not talk to her for a while" (Y/n) told Jimmy Jr, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Oh yeah? And why should I listen to you?" He replied with a frown, turned back towards (Y/n) walking up to him.

During their talk they ended up on the edge of the small cliff.

(Y/n) looked down at him and smirked, he leaned forward,
"Because I like her more, and" he then whispered "Because I can make your life hell" (Y/n) smiled, quickly tripped Jimmy Jr.

(Y/n) grinned but quickly put on an act before people noticed.

"Jimmy Jr!" (Y/n) yelled and tried to grab his hand, but purposely slipped his hand just out of reach.

(Y/n) turned to look at the people around him and cried out, "please help him!".

He climbed down the cliff and saw Jimmy Jr laid against the sand, (Y/n) grinned, he made sure the coast was clear and quickly stomped on Jimmy Jr's leg.

Jimmy Jr tried to scream in pain but got cut off when (Y/n) stopped him and knocked him out again, harder this time.

"Jimmy Jr wake up! Come on man! Help!" (Y/n) screamed out, he could hear people run towards him, making a big fuss.

The police showed up moments later and took a statement from (Y/n).

"We were arguing about a girl then he tried to walk away but then I bumped into him and then he fell, I went down after him to check on him" (Y/n) explained while trying to search for Jimmy Jr, "do you think he'll be okay?"

The cop wrote the statement and said a few words before they parted ways.

(Y/n) walked home with a sad look on his face, he opened the door to his house and was greeted by his mother.

"Hi honey! How was your day exploring the town?" She asked, using a rag to dry her hands.

"I think I found a girl I like. But this guy is in the way" (Y/n) told her.

"Well make sure you, take care of him" She smiled.

"Well he's currently in the hospital with a broken leg" (Y/n) smiled.

"How unfortunate honey! I hope I get to meet this girl sometime~" She sang as she walked back to the kitchen and continued on what she was doing.

(Y/n) grinned and made his way to his room.

Tina went passed her family on the living room and stomped into her room, she slammed the door shut and took her date clothes and swimsuit off and threw them against the wall, she put her pajamas on and laid in her bed until she heard a knock on her door.

Tina didn't say a word, but the door still opened.

"Sweetie?" She heard her dad say, as he walked into the room and sat in the on Tina's bed.

"The pesto family sucks..." Tina muttered.

Bob knowing about the date glared, "what did he do?" He demanded in a soft voice.

Tina sat up and looked at her dad,
"Jimmy Jr kissed another girl on our date and was being so cold to me just because Tammy told him to do so for an interview!" Tina said while holding back her sobs. She flopped back down on her bed and cried.

"Oh honey" Bob said as he rubbed her head.

Tina went quiet and then told him about (Y/n), how nice he was and how he punched Jimmy Jr.

"At least he stood up for you" Bob said, not sure what else to say to that.

Tina looked at her ceiling and smiled a bit, "yeah, he stood up for me".

Bob pushed himself up off the bed, "I'm going back go the living room, take a nap or something before heading back to work" he said.

"I thought you closed early today, you guys are in the livingroom?" Tina said while being confused.

Bob sighed, "Gene and Louise came up here, then Lin followed then I came up, that's when you ran in".

Bob turned off the bedroom light and closed the door gently, Tina tried to sleep but couldn't seem to. She just kept thinking about all the times Jimmy Jr played with her feelings.

She got off her bed and flicked her light back on, she rustled with her hair and went to go put on her regular clothes, she redid her lip gloss. She brushed her hair, turned off the light and left her room. She went down to the restaurant, walked inside, she was greeted by Teddy and her dad.

"No nap?" Bob asked.

Tina shook her head no and went behind the counter and grab the usual things she needed.

She washed her hands and tried to mentally prepare herself for the rest of the day, having an uneasy feeling resting in her chest, the door rang as she saw familiar faces walk in.

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