"let me continue "I cut him off with a glare" but also for me...like hyunjin did not give up on me for more then seven years now...like he kept on holding unto his feelings for that long...i have been hard on him without a reason...i had years to think about the....if I was him I would have done everything I can to find out who hurt minho hyung like he did...i know now that they didn't cheat, I still wonder why didn't minho tell me about him but I want to let go of the past" I said gulping" I want a happy stable life" I continued taking his hand" and I want you to be in it....i saw how much pain you went through after you lost hyunjin so I know how much you care for him...i am telling you this and I will tell him when I see him...if he hurts you in any way again I will kill him with my bare hand"I added.

"are you willing to kill your husband for me? I am touched" felix joked.
"are you making fun of me now? This is serious" I said glaring at the younger.
"since an early age our life was complicated and messed up...it is okay to joke about our misery from time to time that's how we can survive " he said pecking my lips, I looked at him with wide eyes not anticipating the sudden movement.
"oh, shit...i kissed a married man" felix said with a wide mouth making me hit him with the pillow that was next to me.
"Fool" I murmured watching the man laugh hard.
"god, this is so messed up and sick...but did he really marry you? Like are you hwang jisung now?" he said as he kept laughing.

"why the hell should I take his last name?" I asked pushing him away but he didn't pull away.
"so you are agreeing on this marriage....honestly I like hwang jisung more than han hyunjin..."
"felix stop it....neither of us will change their last name...like I don't even know if I will stay married to him" I cut the other off as he stopped.
"what why? I thought you are going to give him a chance..."
"I am....but if we get minho hyung back I want to marry him...you can marry hyunjin" I said making him pout.
"are you picking favorites now?why can't the both of us get married and hyunjin and minho marry each other"he answered

"because i dreamed of marrying Minho Hyung since I was young " I said looking away.
"I see...i don't mind it...do whatever makes you comfortable...as long as you are mine I don't care who you marry among us" he said pulling me closer to him, god I missed him so much....his touch his kisses...
"but we have a problem" I said making him nod.
"the new M" he said.
"who do you think they are?" I asked.
"I don't know but for sure they are not messing with high school students this time...i will find them...whoever they are"he replied clenching his jaw.

"I am just tired of living like this lix" I said with a low voice.
"I know baby...we will take this one step at a time...we will stop this M hopefully we will get minho hyung back...and you will fall for hyunjin"he said making me chuckle.
"I hate that we gave up too fast...like we started thinking about a new perfect life as soon as hyunjin came back...i got why you are confused..."
"but we deserve it...if hyunjin is serious about getting back together...let's just do it...let's try this for one last time but" he said making me frown.

"but?" I asked confused.
"I need you to promise me something...if this doesn't work this time... I need to  promise me that we will stop hurting ourselves "he said taking my hands" I will make hyunjin destroy the contract and you and I will get married and leave everything and everyone behind....promise me jisung"he added taking me off guard.
"I promise" I answered making his lips turn into a huge smile...this what I was suppose to do years ago...i should have build a life with felix but I messed everything up...but not this time....hyunjin and minho have one last chance now....just one, felix pulled me for a kiss which I immediately returned...

Minho's pov

'I waited for six years to find hyunjin...it was really a shock to know who his family is....but it does not change anything...i waited years for this...it is time for you to pay dear minho....love...-M-'

I looked at the text before I threw the phone hard on the wall crashing it that's all I needed right now.
"son are you okay?" Mr yun asked entering the room...he looked between the phone and confused.
"I am not" I yelled before I took a deep breath " I am sorry...someone texted me... The message had an 'M' in it"I added making his eyes widen.
"who could it be?" he asked making me shake my head.
"I don't know...but I need your help...i want you to look into this, and see if the boys are getting any texts too" I answered.
"and if they are?"he said tilting his head.

"This M is not dealing with the old minho this time...whoever they are they are doing to die" I said glancing at the gun on my waist" I won't let them get hurt again" I added clenching my jaw...they went through a lot because of kang...han almost died two times....so did felix but this time I am more then ready.
"minho I want you to call down...if we find them I will make sure to put them behind bars..."
"don't tell me you are afraid that I will get my hands dirty....i am passed that...i am a criminal now uncle...i don't really care as long as the boys I love are safe...killing an extra person won't make a huge difference" I cut him off.

"when I reached out to you, I wanted to  get your help to bring justice to my dead wife and daughter...and to help you find out why Ahn jaehyun took your brother...and I am sorry"he said gripping my shoulder" and I am sorry that in the process you had to lose your soul" he added.
"it is already gone" I replied rubbing my forehead.
I glanced at the phone rolling my eyes...it is already broken...why did I throw him like that? Jaehyun could call me anytime...soyeon is coming back soon.
"take this and put your sim card in it" Mr yun giving me a new phone that he just took from his table.

"so you have extra phones laying around" I chuckled taking the broken one.
"it was not the first time you crash your phone so I had to be ready...you developed quiet a temper" he said making sigh.
"I did....anyways...i need to go, keep me updated about this M" I said walking outside the house heading toward my car.
As soon as I entered it, my phone started to ring and it is jaehyun.
"yes boss" I replied biting my inner cheek.
"I am just going to give up...like I told you to call me dad...you used to call me that hoseok...i raised you...stop acting like a stranger i know you lost your memory but you are like a son to me...plus you are marrying my only daughter"the man said.

"sorry dad, I will try" I replied gripping the wheels hard, If I did not want to learn the truth and if Mr Yun let me I would have just killed him...like why did my father allow him to take his son?
As Mr yun told me, ahn killed his wife and daughter...and he wants him to pay for that...i have no idea about the details though...i started working for the man six years ago yet I could not find anything...i tried to ask the boss about my past or Hoseok's but he changed the topic each time...it is like he is trying to hide something from me...and I hate it.
"soyeon is coming tonight hoseok, I will be the one to meet her up the airport  but I want you to be home when we arrive we need to tell her step by step...she is going to be so surprised by seeing you" the man said.

"okay dad" I said making him hum.
"see you" he answered hanging up, the woman was out of the country for six years like how was it possible for her not to come back here even once....and why did her father wait this long to tell her like sure he told me that her wanted me to get my memory back but I fell like there is more into this.
I already have too much on my plate adding M to this is the last drop...i am going to lose my mind....

Beautiful liar pt2Where stories live. Discover now