hungry - Seo Changbin

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Summery: sleep over with your boyfriend

Just rewatched skz moments so this will be pretty familiar 

Written In second person
Uses of 'you, yours, you're'

Instead of 'i,me,mine,'

Lovers trope!!

Hopefully you enjoy this...I'm writing it right own and honestly I'm tired...and hungry...I could do some chocolate right now

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You smiled softly to yourself as you lay in bed in the cold winter day, all warm, freshened up, dressed warmly and most of all you had your boyfriend of 4 years almost 5, with you

The both of you lay cuddling together in your new matching pj's as a forgotten movie played in the background as just rambling sad kdrama noise,  you ran your hand softly and gently through his now fluffy and soft black hair as he let out soft and pleased groans

He always enjoyed it when you kissed him anywhere really,played with his ears and hair, when you massaged him, he enjoyed it all as long as it was you

"I'm hungry" he murmured into you chest making you chuckle slightly "Hmm you're hungry" you echoed teasingly and he looked up at you from his comfy position on your chest

"I'm hungry" he said again

"You're hungry " you echoes yet again touching his cheek and he glared playfully moving away from your touch pouting slightly

"Don't touch me, I'm sensitive when I'm hungry " [😭] he said pouting changing his tone to try and sound pissed but it just made him more funnier and cuter, it was so hard to take him seriously when everything he did was either cute,slightly cringe[yet still cute] or foking hot ...[ang nosebleed]

"I'm hungry " he whined again face into a pillow and his hand draped over your bossom [chest...ahh Shakespeare] , "You're always hungry!" You barked teasingly with fake annoyance which was obviously fake cause you worshipped that man

Literally...metaphorically kissed the ground he walked on, praised and found yourself as the luckiest person on earth to have someone like him , cause he was funny,cute, sometimes way too confident, knew when he was wrong, always praised you,teased,bought u things,  remembered all the dates from when u first met, your first kiss being with him, also your forst time being him as well made you feel special, he was way more than boyfriend material he was husband material asf


I'm HuNgRy!" He cried out his voice echoing through the whole room, you both looked at each other frozen at the echo then after 3 seconds you guys barked out in laughter cuddling once again

"No but seriously..I'm hungry" he mumbled against your neck and you chuckled withdrawing yourself from him making him whine "Let's go get you some food then buddy" you said pecking his lips

He raised an eyebrow at you "buddy?" And you nodded getting up from the bed as he followed along to the kitchen where the both of you prepared your special Ramen with of course secret Ingredients the both of you figured worked well one time even u were experimenting

"Whyd you call me buddy?" He said pouting and gawd...melting right there

"Cause you're my buddy , buddy" you teased and he pulled you closer hugging you from behind his back against the counter "I'm not your chingu " he murmured his lips trailing your neck and you squirmed which was pretty useless against his muscled grip

"Yeah yeah Seo Changbin "

"You seem to like calling my full name so much...sometimes just my last name" he pointed out "I think it's about time I introduce the world to Mrs Seo Y/n , yeah?" He said and you blushed

"You know , I wasn't hungry for food" ..."well now I am  but I wouldn't mind having a little something for dessert" Changbin teased god did he know how to get you worked up


No smut for u

Word count :655 words

Sorry for making it shortI didn't wanna be letting yall know how much I worship this man

God...being on the ot8 side is hard😩
Hope u enjoyed itttt
Slayyyyy gay childddddddddd

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