Sophie: "That's still only about three and a half hours of sleep in total! That's not healthy for you!"

Ben: "You should see Batman's sleep schedule. It is so much worse."

Sophie: "And Batman is a grown man. He can handle losing a couple of nights of sleep."

Ben: "Whatever you say." He rolls his eyes as he continues to work. "You should get something to eat. I got some of those microwaveable French toast sticks last time I went out."

Sophie: "Well, I suppose I will." She pouts as she walks over to the door leading to the Kitchen/Living Room. "And since I know you haven't made anything for yourself yet, I'll make some for you too."

Before Ben can get another word in, Sophie goes into the kitchen area, closing the door behind her.

Ben: "What a woman." He smiles, before looking back at his work. "It's almost like we're some old, married couple."


Sophie: 'Oh my god! I sounded like some worried wife in some anime!' Her face is a blushing mess. 'Have we really gotten that close!?'

Sophie composes herself as she opens up the freezer, taken out the box of French Toast sticks.

Sophie: 'I mean, it's not like I don't like him.' She puts six pieces on each plate, loading the first plate in the microwave. 'And I am constantly worrying about him all the time.'

Sophie closes the microwave, setting a time and letting the food warm up. As the minutes pass, Sophie thinks to herself while pouring two glasses of orange juice.

Sophie: 'Do I really see Ben in that way? A.....romantic way?' Her heart is beating fast. 'Is that why he always makes me feel so nervous all the time?'

The microwave beeps, so she switches the plates and starts the microwave again. After that microwave beeps a second time, she takes out the plate and puts both plates onto the kitchen table.

Sophie also places a bottle of maple syrup and the two glasses on the table, before setting a napkin and fork next to each plate.

Sophie: 'I'm even getting food for him while he works! This is so wife-like!' She pokes her head out the door. "Y-Your food's ready"

Ben: "Thank you, Sophie." He stands up and moves into the kitchen. "Even orange juice. What would I do without you?"

Sophie: "You'd probably starve yourself." She sits down at the table. "Sit down before your food gets cold."

Ben: "Yes ma'am." He says, chuckling as he sits down. "Since when did you get so bossy?"

Sophie: "I'm not bossy. I'm just.....authoritative." She takes a bite of a French toast stick. "Besides, it's the only way to make you listen. Otherwise you'll just work yourself to death."

Ben: "I can't really deny that." He pours some syrup onto his plate. "I probably would go to bed hungry on most nights if it weren't for you."

Sophie: "You're absolutely right. So you better be grateful for all I do for you." She takes another bite. "But I also have to be grateful for you as well."

Ben: "I guess that makes the both of us even then." He takes a drink of his OJ. "Though we could both argue how one of us does more for the other."

Sophie: "You're right. There are some things we both provide for each other, and things that we each individually provide for the other." She sets down her fork. "For example: I make food for you because you're too busy most of the time to make it yourself, and you teach me how to fight and defend myself."

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