Episode 19: The Second Pillar of the Misfits' Class

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The Next Day

Iruma POV:

After that lesson with Allu-nee, She gave us all some warm coffee and some treats as a small break for us. As I stared at the scene unfolded before me, I felt as if I had travelled back in time and saw the sister I loved and admired 4 years ago. Allu-nee would be draping a warm blanket over me, lending a cup of hot chocolate milk as we chattered away on my bed. After witnessing Allu-nee's impressive front as well as her acts of defending Babyls, I'm glad to see Allu-nee again. Not 'Queen Prodigy of Babyls', not Allumi-sensei, just Allumi.

'Iruma-chi, Iruma-chi!' Clara's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I turned my head to face her same old energetic face and those sparkling emerald eyes.

'Ne, do you think Aka-nee will be teaching us again?!' Clara's adrenaline took over her as she leaped onto the creaky wooden table, her demon tail matching her enthusiasm as it swung left and right like a small puppy.

'Nahh, as much as I want Allumi-sensei to teach us again, Kalego's only going for a meeting. And it'll be a gift from Delkira-sama if Kalego were not to come back to school for another day.' Lead-kun explained exasperatedly beside us as he stretched his back while falling face-first onto the table.

The door slowly creeped open as we all turned our attention towards the door, even Agarus-kun lifted his sleeping mask to stare intensely at the wooden door as though it were a high-grade beast, while Lead-kun was looking at it with puppy eyes, hoping his assumption was wrong. A foot wearing a well-polished and formal purple shoe stepped in the classroom as we all groaned in disappointment.

'This day haven't even started and you lots are already whining like fools.' Kalego had an irk on his forehead and that's all it took to silence us.

'If you're regretting stepping in, Allumi-sensei can substitute you anytime.' Allocer said with a straight face as Jazz-Kun and Lead-kun muttered a small 'May Derkila bless you'.

'Ahem. Moving on. Allumi-sensei is currently having a meeting with Sullivan-sama, and told me something about it being a surprise. Those two fools...' He cursed under his breath, totally ignoring the poor Allocer who was being held by the collar of his uniform by Cerberus with a piece of paper taped on his forehead that wrote 'I will never act smart'. Note: He is having a smug face and is treating this piece of paper like a trophy.

But everyone's interests was certainly stirred up at the word 'surprise'. I wonder what this 'surprise' will be, but if even Kalego-sensei doesn't know about it, then we'll have to wait it out.


In Sullivan's mansion

Allumi POV:

I sat across Sullivan-sama as I gently lifted the china cup and sipped the hot coffee in it, peering over the cup several times to sense Sullivan-sama's reaction. The deal I offered him was irresistible, even for someone like him. Though I'm sure he's fully aware of the uprise it'd bring to Babyls if he were to accept it.

'What made you offer this deal, Suzuki Allumi-sensei?' He asked with narrowed eyes through his small spectacles, 'Just a few months ago, you were dead set on refusing it.'

'That. Was before I knew Iruma would come here. A few months ago, I wouldn't even bothered to bat an eye to be a full-time teacher; still wouldn't if I had the choice.'

'And are you being forced?'

'Sullivan-sama. With my utmost respect, I side with whomever Iruma sides with. I would sacrifice anyone, myself included for him. I would burn the whole Netherworld to hell itself, if it meant saving Iruma or helping him in any way. I don't give a fuck about anyone. That's how Netherworld wanted me to be right? Cold and calculated. Your kind made me turn like this and I would gladly send karma back at you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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