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"How are we doing Sadie?" The doctor asked, smiling as he came into the room.

"I'm okay," she shrugged, nervous for the whole appointment.

"How's the pain?"

"Not terrible when the pain meds start working," She said, trying to downplay how she really felt but Kaycee wasn't letting her get away with it.

"When the meds wear off or she forgets to take them, she's in quite a bit of pain," Kaycee said, earning a look from Sadie, "Honey. You can't lie to your doctor,"

"I can try," Sadie sighed.

"She's worried about being able to go back to playing sports," Kaycee filled in, wanting her doctor to get all the facts.

"Sadie, It's important to be honest with me about your pain. We'll work together to manage it and get you back to your sports. Now, let's figure out a plan for your recovery."The doctor nodded, understanding the concern.

As the conversation progresses, Sadie's eyes well up with tears. "I just miss playing so much," she admits, her voice breaking. The doctor and Kaycee exchange a concerned glance, realizing the emotional toll the injury has taken on her.

"Baby you're gonna play again. You know you will, we'll figure something out, get you stronger, and then go from there,"  Kaycee reassured her, giving her a hug for a little added comfort.

"I just worry that I won't,"

"You know that won't happen. People recover from knee injuries all the time and go right back,"

"Your mother is right Sadie. I've seen people go back to sports as soon as 6 months after a tear. By next school year, you'll be playing again," the doctor nodded, "we will do everything we can to get you strong enough,"

Sadie nodded silently, looking at her leg as the doctor started to take the cast off. She was nervous that he was going to move it so she looked at Kaycee, who was at her side in a moment.

"Deep breaths honey. It's gonna be fine," she promised, watching as the doctor broke open the cast.

Sadie leaned back against the exam table, watching the doctor's every move as she was preparing herself for when he would move it. Luckily, it didn't hurt as bad as she thought, and she was able to be put in more of a brace that would allow her to bend her knee slightly. She would be able to walk without crutches but would still be slightly limping.

"Alright, Sadie. I still want you to take it easy and keep up on your pain meds but you should be able to go without your crutches after a few days. Just be very careful with it and don't try to push yourself too hard," the doctor said as he gave another prescription to Kaycee that he would call in. It was still a pain med, but hopefully, a new one would help a little bit better.

Sadie crutched out to the car, still slightly nervous to put pressure on her leg as they slowly walked.

"Alright. Let's go get some dinner. What do you think?" Kaycee asked, taking her crutch as Sadie got in the front seat.

"I think I'm ready to eat," she smiled a little, looking over at her mom as she started driving toward the restaurant she and Chase had agreed to meet at.


Sorry it's so short guys! The week has been a little insane with the holidays approaching!

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