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Everything took weeks to get through. Sadie was removed from her home and her mom was put in a 90-day program to hopefully help her.

While all of that was going on with child protective services, Chase and Kaycee were getting their extra room upstairs turned into a bedroom for the teenager.

"Chase! Mail came!" She yelled as she threw everything until she found something from Child Protective Services.

"Did it come?"

"It came!" She nodded, ripping open the envelope and pulling out the letter that certified them as foster parents. She took the letter and immediately put it on the fridge proudly.

They waited all night and all of Saturday morning for the call that finally came around 1 PM. A call for a teenager who needed a home for 90 days. They immediately accepted and waited until the woman they'd been working with brought Sadie over to their house.

"Hey," she smiled, letting them all in the house.

The transition was going to be somewhat simple as Sadie knew Chase and Kaycee well. They'd go to the same place every day and someone was always going to be there to pick her up.

"Are you sure about this Mrs Elliott? I don't want to be a burden," she said as she came into the house and looked around.

"Sadie we wouldn't have done this if we didn't want to," she started, waving to the woman from Child Services before she shut the door. "Chase and I talked about it right after everything you told me,"

"But you have a baby,"

"And we have you now too," she smiled, "We just wanted you to come to someone comfortable and someone you trusted. Not some random family that could go either way. You're gonna be safe here with us but if you want someone else, I can make the call,"

"Please don't," she shook her head, hugging Kaycee tightly, "Thank you,"

"You're welcome. And don't think you'll be getting out of school," she chuckled, "come on, I'll take you to your room,"

Sadie nodded and followed Kaycee up the stairs, walking into the room that they had made up for her.

It was big and had a window that overlooked the backyard area of the home. Chase had put up a TV while Kaycee made sure the queen-sized bed was made up with all new sheets, a new comforter, and blankets. They also got a big bean bag chair to sit beside her bed and a desk that went in the other corner of the room.

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