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By the time the drinks arrived at the table, Y/N was a little bit more successful in engaging Nanami in a conversation. She learned that one of his favorite foods is bread, that he lives alone in an apartment in Tokyo, and most importantly that he is single. Y/N wasn't sure how she was able to get all of this information out of him, especially considering how stoic he had been before. Not that his stoic nature had changed, but he was slowly becoming more comfortable engaging in conversation with her. She was hopeful that now that drinks were involved she would get even more juicy details about him.

"Wait you love Loafy Love too?" Y/N asked with a giant smile on her face. It had to have been about 10 minutes since the waitress had brought out their drinks and she was already starting to feel tipsy. For the first time since they started their conversation, Nanami smiled.

"I do. It's my favorite place to stop after work."

"Wait Nanami you-you're smiling!" Y/N giggled, setting her empty drink down on the table. At her sudden comment, Nanami's cheeks tinted red.

"Maybe you were right about the drinks. It feels good to relax with this." he smiled again, setting his empty glass down as well. "I think it's time to stop, though," he grabbed her glass and set it next to his.

"Aww..." Y/N pouted, laying her head down on her crossed arms. She turned her head to look outside. She had completely forgotten about the storm that had once ruined her perfect beach day. Now that she had met Nanami, all of her worries about the beach were gone. Outside had finally cleared- the sky went from hostile and gray clouds back to the clear blue sky that had enticed her to the beach in the first place. "Nanami, look!" she pointed outside. Many others who had sought shelter along with them had left, leaving the bar with plenty of empty seats.

"Why don't we head out?" he asked, standing up from his chair. He walked over to Y/N and offered a hand to stand up. Her legs were wobbly from the alcohol- even though she wasn't intoxicated she was still tipsy enough to lose her balance. She took his hand and stood on her feet. Y/N never paid it much attention when they had shook hands at the beginning, but his hands were really large. She had been surprised at the sight of his huge arms, well it would only have been fitting to assume his hands were just as big. They were rough and calloused, yet he was so gentle with the way he caressed her hand. "Don't fall," he said, extending an arm to hold around her waist. Y/N giggled as her legs felt like jello beneath her.

"Thank you, Nanami," she still held onto his hand even though she was stable on her feet. With her free hand, she reached down to pick up her belongings. Before she could get them from the ground, Nanami released the hand he was holding and picked up her things.

"Please, let me carry them." he insisted, slinging the cooler over his shoulder. Smiling, Y/N couldn't help but oblige with such a kind gesture. "Where are you staying?" he asked, pushing in their chairs.

"Just at a Sheraton hotel. I couldn't afford anything nice." she pouted, remembering the prices of the oceanside  rentals.

"Well, please let me take you back there. Did you walk?" he asked, leading her towards the parking lot.

"Yeah, I did. The hotel isn't too far from here," she stumbled on her feet for a few steps like a kid standing up for the first time on a boat. The somewhat wet sand wasn't helping her either.

"I have a rental car. Let me take you back," he offered, leading towards where he had parked the car. Once again, there was no way that Y/N was passing up on such an amazing offer. She nodded in response and they headed over to the car.

Nanami drove her back to the hotel and took all of her belongings inside. He made sure that before they went in that the bottom of the chair was clear of any sand and that the umbrella was properly wrapped. Y/N couldn't help but to think about what a gentleman he was.

"Sit," he commanded. Y/N sat down on the couch in her hotel room while Nanami proceeded to empty the cooler. He put her favorite drink back in the refrigerator and the multitude of ice packs in the freezer. He even walked over to hand her the book she brought to read. She had totally forgotten that it had been thrown in the cooler amongst all of the chaos of the storm. The chair was laid neatly against the wall and the umbrella sat behind it on the ground.

"Nanami," she caused him to pause. He faced her, holding a bottle of water he had fetched from the fridge. He set it down in front of her. "Please, have this," she said, handing him a slip of paper with her phone number on it. "If you're going to leave me let's at least stay in contact..." she trailed off. Y/N really hoped that this wouldn't be the last time on vacation that she would run into Nanami— she really enjoyed getting to know him as a person, even if it was only for a few hours.

Nanami took the sheet of paper and put her number into his phone right away. He gave Y/N a small smirk, "You'll see me again," is what he said as he approached her door to leave. "Drink the water. You don't want to feel hungover," he lectured, opening the door to leave. Before she could even say goodbye, he waved and left. Y/N smiled and took a large sip of the water he gave her.

It had only been about 5 minutes since he left until she heard her phone beep with a new message.

"Meet me for dinner tonight? -Nanami"

Y/N  smiled as she responded 'yes' to him. She felt like she was back in middle school and had just been asked out by her crush. Nothing was on her mind but Nanami.

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