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The sudden downpour of rain and the boom of thunder caused Y/N to sit down without hesitation. She grabbed her towel to use as a shawl over her shoulders. She had only just realized that she was sitting at a table across from a stranger in her bikini. Not just any bikini, her favorite bikini. The one that made her boobs look like she was a pornstar. Yeah. That one. She quickly grabbed the two ends and pinched them together to conceal her almost bare chest. Luckily the man across from her didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

Enough about her anatomy, what about the handsome man sitting across from her? She hadn't even realized what he looked like until she sat down and was five feet away from his face. His golden hair appeared as though the wind had gently tousled it. The relaxed and beautiful manner of his hair did not match his demeanor, however. His narrow and dark eyes and the stern look on his face seemed off-putting to say the least, but it was attractive nonetheless. He wore a royal blue t-shirt which perfectly accentuated his large and muscular arms. They seemed to be much more muscular than arms belonging to the average man. Maybe he was a frequent flier at the gym? Anyways, Y/N figured that she could get lost in studying his physique forever, so she cleared her throat and decided to start a conversation.

"L/N Y/N," she said, breaking the awkward silence that had formed between them. His eyes came to meet hers again- his facial expression soft.

"Nanami Kento," he replied, extending his hand across the table. Y/N took it gently and gave it a slight shake, smiling at him in the process.

"You from around here?" she asked again, hopeful to spark some sort of lasting conversation.

"Tokyo," was his response, "I'm just here for a break." She smiled brightly at him when he mentioned he was from Tokyo.

"That's funny that you say that, Nanami, I'm from Tokyo too! It's kinda funny that I've never seen you," she trailed off.

"It's a large city. I'm not surprised."

"Oh yeah, well I guess you're right..."

The two sat in silence again. Their conversation had gone silent, but that wasn't much to say for the raging storm outside. Y/N was hopeful that a waiter would stop by soon to take her order. After a few minutes of a somewhat awkward silence between them, Y/N decided to pry even more. She wasn't usually the type to try and hold long and in-depth conversations, but she figured 'why not?'

"What do you do for work?" was the best thing she could come up with. She internally face-palmed, knowing that she was about to get the same dull response as before. There was no way that a man this hot had so little to say. There must be something that she can say to spark a better conversation. He looked over at Y/N again, still the same stoic look on his face.

"I'm a businessman," he replied.

"Really? That's it?" she asked, prying for more, "there must be something interesting about you!" From across the table, Nanami sighed. Y/N could feel his dark eyes pierce her soul as he nearly stared her into the ground.

"My name is Nanami Kento, I am 27 years old, and I am a businessman. Isn't that enough?" he said, pretty much at the point of defeat.

"You look like you need to have more fun, Nanami," she answered, waving to a nearby waitress. The waitress hurried over, pen and paper in hand.

"What can I get you?" the young girl asked, looking to Y/N first. Y/N smiled.

"I will take two margaritas. It's for both of us," she smiled. Nanami snapped his head over to stare her down, once again. He did not seem happy about some random stranger buying him a drink, but he wasn't going to turn it down either.

"Sounds good!" the waitress said as she scribbled on her notepad, "I'll be back with your drinks soon," she smiled and walked away from their table. Nanami was staring lasers into her head.

"Now, let's loosen up a bit shall we?" Y/N asked, letting her towel slide off of her shoulders. If one thing was for certain, she knew how to appeal to a man.

𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora