Chapter 2

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When I reach Bag End, voices can be heard inside, and yellow light floods out of the windows. I go inside and shut the door with a rather hard thunk. Bilbo runs around the corner to see who just barged into his house, though totters away after he sees its only me. Gandalf's head pops around the corner next, and I shake my head as I walk deeper into the house and into the lounge, where Bilbo's walking stick is leaned against the curved wall and a half full pack sits beside it.

Bilbo points his pipe at Gandalf. "You will keep an eye on Frodo, won't you?" he asks. "Though Amariel probably will too."

Gandalf and I nod.

"Two eyes, as often as I can spare," Gandalf says, and Bilbo murmurs his thanks before disappearing into the bedroom and reappearing a moment later with his red book that he's been writing in.

"I'm leaving everything to him," Bilbo explains, and Gandalf raises an eyebrow.

"And what about this ring of yours? Is that staying too?"

"Yes, yes," Bilbo replies nonchalantly. "It's in an envelope on the mantelpiece." He pats his waistcoat and falters as Gandalf peers over at the mantel.

"No... wait, it's here, in my pocket. Isn't that odd.... yet after all... why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?"

Gandalf looks back suspiciously at Bilbo, and I take a step back warily.

"I think you should leave the ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?" Gandalf asks, and Bilbo looks taken aback.

"Well, no," he says. "And yes." He runs his finger over the solid gold band resting in his hand. "Now that it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it. It's mine! I found it! It came to me!"

"There's no need to get angry," I say harshly, and Bilbo glares daggers at Gandalf and I.

"Well, if I'm angry, it's your fault!" He turns back to the ring. "It's mine, my own. My precious..."

"Precious?" Gandalf says. "It's been called that before, not by you!"

"Oh?" Bilbo snaps, turning around. "What business is it of yours what I do with my own things!"

I cross my arms. What is Bilbo doing, why is he being so touchy?

"I think you've had that ring quite long enough," Gandalf commands, but Bilbo balls his hands into fists.

"You want it for yourself!"

"BILBO BAGGINS!" Gandalf roars, drawing himself up to full height despite the low ceilings, and the room darkens. "Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks! I am not trying to rob you!" The light returns to the room, and Bilbo, who is backed up all the way against the wall, relaxes a bit. "I am trying to help you."

Bilbo mutters nonsense and runs forward and hugs Gandalf, who returns the embrace and pats Bilbo's head. He kneels down before him, and I move forward so I'm standing next to them.

"All your long years we have been friends," Gandalf says quietly. "Trust me, as you once did."

My mind wanders back to different times during our journey, and I suddenly feel incredibly sad. I miss it. The adventure, the risk, being with the dwarves, Kili, Bilbo always having my back (which he still does, most of the time, though that job is slowly being passed on to Frodo), Fili calling me Princess, Kili. I touch the purple amethyst necklace strung around my neck, and I can almost see Thorin smiling as I told him how I felt about Kili, his laugh when I had to wake up Dwalin.

"You're right, Gandalf," Bilbo says, shaking me out of my thoughts. "The ring must go to Frodo." He shoulders his bag and picks up his walking stick, marching towards the door. "It is late, and the road is long. Yes, it is time."

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