I slid onto a stool at the island. "Okaaaaay... what about?" I sounded suspicious, which I actually was. Cassie didn't normally care who heard what in this house, especially when it came to me. She liked the others to know how much I favoured her, deep down.

Her body was rigid and uncertain as she rested her head back against the cupboards. Her arms were crossed, her butt pushed to the counter. I could tell her outfit had been hastily put together, only furthering my curiosity over whatever it was she wanted to talk about. And she sure knew how to take her sweet time revealing it.

"Reggie and I think there needs to be a few changes around here." She scoffed. "Actually, everyone thinks there needs to be a few changes."

I was still frowning. "Yeah, not being at war would be nice," I agreed. "I don't see how we can change that, though."

"Oh, I'm not talking about that," she mused, a glimpse of happiness entering her face for the first time for almost two weeks. "You're gonna kill me and I know you are — I also know this could jeopardise everything we have built between us... but it needs to be said and we voted that I'm the most likely to get through to you."

"Have I done something wrong?" I questioned, completely bewildered now.


"Then what's with all this shit? Will you just spit it out?"

"I'd rather leave you in suspense," she admitted, turning back to the pans on the oven.

It was obvious whatever that delicious smell was, was a form of bribery, however I was willing to go along with it as long as my mind didn't betray me and agree to whatever came next. I was pretty hungry, after all.

"As you said, not being at war would be nice, but we're too far gone against Aiden and he's turned this into far more than it has to be. Our clans could just face off and end it one way or another, however he insists on dragging others down with him so we have to do the same. It would be suicide not to.

"By the same token, entering any battle with Aiden's clan alone, not including whatever allies he's dug up, would be moronic without everyone being at full strength. Colby's already lifted the ban on feeds for the most part, as you know, so most of us are fine... except him."

My heart stuttered in my chest and my face most definitely paled. Heat was rushing to my cheeks knowing what she was going to say before she even said it. From the side, I saw her nostrils flaring in response to the more potent smell of blood, but she didn't turn around. She was trying not to put pressure on me, despite what she'd just said. Cassie had always known how to convince me of things. Everything but keeping away from Colby that very first time we met.

"The two of you being soulmates is lovely and we can all see how much you... care about each other, but that won't help him regain his full strength. Before you, he was stronger, faster, more agile; I'm certainly not saying that isn't the case now as he could still kick any of our asses, but he's used to us. It's basically cheating. When he's up against someone like Paula or even Aiden himself, he's going to struggle, Amy.

"You're the last person who'll want to see that, and you also happen to be the only one who can help with this conundrum."

"I'm not comfortable with this, Cass," I murmured.

"I know you aren't. He's fed from you before, though, hasn't he? Briefly, to heal you so long ago. Was it so bad?"

"I was unconscious," I argued.

She looked over her shoulder at me. "Yeah, but it didn't change how you saw him once you woke up. In fact, you were gentle with him. Imagine-"

"Cassie, please, you cannot force me into getting bitten. This is so wrong for you to even bring up, let alone actively try to bully me into it."

"I'm not bullying." She glared as she dished up my food, flicking knobs on the oven at the same time. Her voice had turned hard now, the thoughtful, polite approach already thrown out the window. "If you don't help Colby out over the next few months, he's gonna get hurt and that's the end of it. You don't have to let him feed on you forever, but for the love of the Goddess, just while he needs his strength, try thinking about it. At the very least."

A plate appeared on the counter in front of me, but I was alone. Her lingering speech left a knife to my throat and a knot in my gut. I couldn't believe I was actually feeling guilty for being uncomfortable with something like that, or that her words made so much sense to me. Perhaps I could allow him, just until Aiden was dealt with, to feed on me so that I'd still have a boyfriend after all of this was over. Would that be so bad? I could have at least offered to try...

Cassie's little plot had worked perfectly and it was driving me mad. The conflict in my own head was like a war of its own, both sides charging at the other with their own thoughts on the matter.

Compromises were important. He'd made plenty for me, changing most of himself just to appease and keep me near. Yet, all I'd offered was every other form of physical contact, rather than the most intimate affectionate gesture between a vampire and their soulmate. But considering what that was, could anyone really blame me?

Just while we're at war, the one side of my brain pointed out.

He's already strong. Why sacrifice a resolve you've had for your entire life just to appease the vampires' way of thinking?

He's going to need you. Even the Goddess has wanted this for some time.

The Goddess. Of course.

I momentarily abandoned my food and rushed to the backdoor, standing just in the doorway as to not step over the threshold. The sky was hardly dark enough for the Goddess to be out there, but I threw my question out to her anyway.

'What do I do?' I asked in my head.

Her lingering silence left me in a pit of self-doubt once more, until after a few moments I heard her gorgeous voice in my head. She didn't show herself — she wasn't strong enough for that just yet. "He will need you, dear child. I have told you many times that he does, but now more than ever. You know what I would advise, and you came to me despite that."

I bit my bottom lip so hard I was worried I'd draw blood. The Goddess had certainly told me exactly what I expected her to.

And she was right. I did go to her knowing what decision she would make for me.

I might as well have thrown myself in front of a bus.


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