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a beautiful meme made by crophurbertmybeloved



No one thought to tell me that the man who had attacked me was imprisoned with us. In fact, Mike had already interrogated him a little while I was recovering from my mini coma.

"I mean, what the fuck? I'm the one he attacked, I should have been the first one down there to torture him," I ranted as I cooked for myself. Cassie was sitting on the countertop beside me looking like she couldn't care less about my problems.

"You had to rest," she answered blankly.

"I'm fine!"

"Because you've rested."

"Ugh." I slammed a pan down and started transferring my food onto a plate, refusing to be gentle with anything. Cassie's amused smile in the corner of my eye only served to piss me off more, but I chose to ignore it for her sake.

When I'd eaten, talking about something else to keep my mind off of the betrayal, I stood at the sink washing up my dishes singing the same part of a song in my head on repeat. Cassie was still somewhere in the room with me but she'd fallen silent not long after she realised I was still annoyed.

A pair of arms suddenly wrapped around my waist from behind and lips pressed to the sweet spot on my neck. If I weren't so strong-willed, I would have melted on the spot.

"Have you finished whining?" Colby muttered into my ear, and I shoved my elbow back into his stomach. "If you give me attitude, I won't take you for a walk."

"Fuck off, I'll walk my damn self," I growled back.

"You don't know where we're keeping him."

"I'll sniff it out."

He sighed softly and spun me around so I was pressed to the counter by his body. I looked up reluctantly into his blue eyes, trying desperately to stay mad at him. But the second his fingers brushed along my jaw like I was the most delicate thing in the universe, I caved.

"Alright, alright, let's go," I sighed.

"Remember, you can't kill him. And if you knock him out, that'll just make things harder for us because we'll have to wait for him to wake up again."

"Sir, yes, Sir!" I mocked, saluting at him. He rolled his eyes without replying, stepping away from me to head back into the hall. I dropped some food in Neoma's bowl before I followed him, scratching behind her ears so she would pur at me.

Once everyone was ready, Colby swept his arm under me and we started moving. The run wasn't nearly as long as I was used to, ending within a minute of starting. This place, where we were, couldn't be more than a couple-minute walk from the house. That was a good thing, that meant I could get here easily. As my feet hit the ground, I subtly pulled my phone out of my pocket with maps open, and memorised the location.

"He's through that door," Mike told me blankly, motioning at the other end of the hallway. "He's chained up with vervaine so there's basically no chance he's going to escape. Do your worst... kind of."

I rolled my eyes. "I already got the memo from Colby, thanks. I get it: don't kill him or knock him out." Scoffing, I walked ahead of them all. "You're no fun."

Behind the door was a depressingly small room barely big enough for the chair that was the only piece of furniture in it. The vampire, whose face I vaguely recognised, was sat slumping, chains burning at his bare chest, leaving bright pink marks across his shockingly pale skin. I heard Colby come in behind me and shut the door, but I knew he wasn't going to step in unless I went too far.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now