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maybe filth? who knows...


"So, Amira..." Kevin was draping himself over the back of the couch. "The two absolute hunks — like me — who brought you back from getting shitface drunk... are both your exes?"

He was grinning. I glanced first at Colby over his shoulder. In an act of what I assumed was disrespect, Colby was now lying across the loveseat leaving no room for me to take my place there. His phone was held above his face and he was mindlessly scrolling. I couldn't tell how much he was listening, only that I was certain he'd most definitely heard that.

Turning back to Kevin with crossed arms, I replied, "No, one of them is my ex, the other one was a one-night-mistake, which I barely remember, anyway. Big difference."

Kevin snorted. "Riiiiiight, and they're not attractive to you now?"

"They're good-looking guys, but I'm not looking." I raised a brow challenging him to keep arguing with me and focusing on this little detail, but his resolve was already slipping through his fingers.

"Why's that?"

"Because I'm not, Kevin. What's got you so interested, anyway?"

He sighed. "I've been holding my tongue on the comments I want to make, Amira, so I'm clutching at whatever I can, here. Please, humour me."



"Worth a try," Jake offered lazily.

I rolled my eyes as I ignored them both, walking over to the loveseat. I wasn't fully sure whether Colby would move or not, but when he saw me, he reluctantly sat up at the other end of the couch. And he didn't move any closer.

Shit. I'd upset him. Was I supposed to tell him that Blake and I'd had one evening together? I supposed I would have eventually or Anna would have let it slip eventually, anyway, but for some reason I cared that he seemed so hurt by it. And now I wanted to make it better for him.


I held out until everyone else had gone to bed, then some, knowing Colby wouldn't be able to sleep without me. When I was certain the entire house was asleep but the two of us, I made my way upstairs to his room — where he'd disappeared hours ago — and slid inside quietly. I took off my sweatpants beside the bed, throwing them down on the floor and removing my hoodie in exchange for just the t-shirt beneath, and I laid down.

Colby was facing away from me on his phone, so I slid up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing a kiss on his back. I didn't know if he'd reciprocate at all but I heard a heavy sigh.

"Is it bothering you?" I muttered into the dark of the room. Blackout curtains truly were a blessing.

He shrugged with very little effort, and I decided then he was going to talk to me whether he liked it or not. I sat back up to take his phone from his hand and roll him onto his back, meeting his eyes. I gave him a look.

"Why should it?" was all he could come up with.

"It shouldn't," I replied as I curled a leg around one of his and propped my chin on his chest. "You're my mate, which means anything before becomes obsolete. Does it not work that way with Ones, too?"

He refused to look back at me now. "I don't know."

"I have no interest for either of them now," I added sternly.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now