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Colby and I made sure we woke up before anyone else and left the house in the early evening. It was just late enough that a strong vampire like him wouldn't get effected much by the dwindling sun, and since I'd done all the research needed last night, I already knew where we were going.

Private air strips could be found in every state — at least one, depending on how big it was — where one of Mama Luna's pack members could be found. They would fly in-need werewolves over to the secluded island and come back in case anyone else visited the strip. Once they received guidance from the Goddess, they'd return to the island to pick the werewolves back up and bring them home.

Our nearest airstrip was a two-hour-long drive away from home, but the Goddess assured me someone would be waiting to pick us up and take us over to the island. So, I convinced Colby to let me drive and we were headed straight to it. I'd eaten, packed and was somewhat mentally prepared to meet the legend that was Mama Luna. I'd only ever heard stories of her but she apparently knew everything about me, particularly about my will power and strength. The Goddess told me once that Luna had actually asked me to meet her, but I'd only just left my pack so the wound of other werewolves was too fresh. A part of me had been scared that she would try to convince me to return, and I knew I would end up doing so after a stern talking to.

Driving alone with Colby for so long was new, but I kind of liked it. He sat comfortably beside me staring out the window without any obvious emotion on his face. I thought I saw him staring at the sunset when we had a clear view of it, though I could have just been projecting as I wanted so badly to do the same thing. By the time the stars were out and the streets were quieter, we turned off of a main road onto a private path with trespassing warnings dug into the ground.

I reached over to turn down Colby's immaculate playlist, and said, "We're not far now. Do you think they'll have a problem with you?"

Colby glanced at me. "You said they wouldn't."

"Well, no, they shouldn't but most of the vamps who make this trip are nobodys. You're infamous."

"Am I?" A hint of smugness was in his tone, drawing my gaze to him with a brow raised. He gave me a small, amused smile and shrugged. "If they don't let me go with you, I'll just make sure you get there safely."

"You wouldn't fight to come with me?" I questioned in disbelief. "I'll be going to an island you can't get to completely on my own."

"You've told me that it's safe, so no, I wouldn't argue over it. I don't see why I would."

I was frowning heavily.

"I trust you aren't just telling me that to convince me you should go, Ames. Besides... I have actually heard of Luna before. I may be infamous, but she's so legendary among werewolves that even some vampires have heard of her."

My jaw set. "That's not a good thing."

"I know."

Silence returned as I pulled up to the side of a small dark house. The moment my engine infiltrated the area, though, a light flicked on and Colby's head turned toward the building. He could hear the werewolf coming down to greet us, no doubt, so I slid out of the car and pressed myself against the door.

After a few moments, once Colby was securely beside me with his arms crossed, the front door to the house opened, and a woman stepped onto the porch. Her eyes instantly landed on Colby, before they shifted to me. No judgement or prejudice was present, just an absent stare. She was used to this.

"Hi," I called, feeling more than awkward. "I'm-"

"Amira Andrews. I was warned of your arrival," the woman interrupted. She closed the door behind her, fearlessly walking down to the concrete despite the fanged creature beside me. "I was also warned that you would have guests. I see one..."

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