
In real life

I really wish I was there for her birthday today, but she had to go home which I totally understand.

Billie FaceTimes me and I answer it. "Hi, baby." I smile. "Hi, mama. How are you doing?" She asks. "I'm okay, I just miss you. How about you?" I ask. "Same thing. I miss you so much." She frowns.

"I wish I could be there with you." I sigh. "So do I." She agrees. "Open your present, baby." I tell her as I smile. "Okay." She grins.

She opens up a small box and her eyes widen. "Nevaeh, you're so dead."

"Why?" I ask innocently. "A fucking Tiffany bracelet? Are you kidding me?" She says, holding up a bracelet. "Do you know how fucking expensive these are? I can't keep this, baby."

"It's for your birthday, sweetheart. It's not a big deal." I smile. "You can add charms onto it and I can buy you more if you want. Oh, and there's actually one custom charm in the box." I add.

She furrows her eyebrows and looks back in the box. She finds the charm and reads 'Billie + Nevaeh, forever" that's engraved on it.

"Angel, oh my god."

"I love you so much." She says. "I love you more." I chuckle. "There's two other things in there."

Billie pulls out a box with shoes in them that she said she wanted to get. "Vae, this is too much." She sticks her bottom lip out. "Billie, I'd quite literally die for you, so obviously I'm gonna spoil the fuck out of you." I say.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you, B." I respond.

She pulls out a folded up piece of paper and scrunches her eyebrows together. "Paper?"

"Unfold it, dumbass." I laugh.

In the note, I wrote

my beautiful girl,

happy birthday, my love. you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me and i don't think i'd still be here if it wasn't for you. you have truly changed my life, billie. i don't know what id do without you. these past few months with you have been the best months of my life and i want to spend forever with you. i can't believe i'd ever get lucky enough to date someone so amazing, but here we are. you're the biggest blessing in my life and i love you more than life itself. you are truly my soulmate and i'm incredibly grateful for you. everyday i get to be with you, i cherish it forever. you are my everything and more. i couldn't ask for a better person to be my girlfriend and i'm so lucky to have you in my life. happy 22nd birthday, baby. i hope i get to spend the rest of your birthdays with you.

- vae <3

Billie looks up from the note with a few tears running down her face. "Baby, you're so sweet." She sniffles. "God, I love you so fucking much."

"I love you even more, Bil." I smile softly.

Every single word I wrote on that paper was nothing but the truth. Billie is the most amazing person in my life and I've never felt so happy before, but I am because of her.

Everyday, I have a reason to want to wake up the next morning, a reason to keep going.

And it's her.

"I'm gonna bawl my fucking eyes out, Nevaeh. Why couldn't you just have said 'happy birthday, I love you' and that's it?" She asks, wiping her tears. "Because you deserve to hear those words because they're true and I love you." I say.

"If I was there right now, I'd actually hug the living shit out of you." She giggles. "Fuck, I'm gonna cry more now because you're not with me."

"Don't cry, baby." I chuckle. "How am I not supposed to? You wrote all that sweet shit and I can't even hug you or kiss you." She frowns.

"I know, my love. I wish I could be there right now." I sigh sadly. "But it's okay, we're gonna see each other again before we know it."

"I can't wait that long, I need you now." She sighs. "I fucking hate long distance." I groan, putting my head in my hands.

"So do I." Billie says. "I can't wait till one day I can see you whenever I want and not have to get on a plane to see you."

"Me too." I agree. "Someday, B."

"I don't want you to ever feel like you have to make changes in your life just for me, okay? You have a life and you don't need to change it just for my benefit." She says. "I know, baby, thank you." I nod my head.

"I promise you, one day, we'll be together. We'll live together, and we'll never have to be apart, baby."

"I can't wait." She smiles. "I'll always wait for you, angel."

"I love you, Bil."

"I love you, Vae."

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

Billie and I were on the phone for a couple of hours, but she had to go get ready and go over to Finneas' house.

I miss her all the time when she's not here, but I have to accept that this is the way things are.

I love her so much, I just wish she lived closer. I don't regret meeting her or dating her one bit, but if I could change anything about our relationship, it would be for us to live close.

It sucks that I wasn't able to be with her for her birthday today, and I think she'll be busy around my birthday, so we probably won't be able to celebrate any birthdays together until next year.

Being away from her is so hard, especially when I've grown such an attachment to her, but I'm getting used to it.

Even though I don't want to, I still will.

I'd do anything for Billie because I love her, so if it has to be with way, then so be it.

But I know that someday, things will be different.

a/n 🤍

i know the birthday chap is late give me a break 😞

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