The rest of dinner was fairly smooth, which was surprising considering how they were normal. There was something wrong. I could sense it, but I'm not sure what. yes but it would explain why they were acting nicer than usual.

"Regulus, would you join us in the drawing room?" Walburga asked.

"Of course," I said politely. Here it comes.

I walked into the room and sat down on the couch near the window and fireplace.

"We have something to address tonight that we have been brought aware of," Orion said.

"Oh," I said in a confused tone.

"Yes, we have been told by a classmate of yours something intriguing," Walburga said.

"What?" I asked.

"They said they had overheard you talking about werewolves," Orion said.

"I had a Defense Against The Dark Arts essay." I lied.

"Don't lie to me!" Walburga shouted.

"We will give you one more chance," Orion said. "Why did they overhear someone talking about you being a werewolf?" Orion added in a calm tone.

"I don't know." I stuttered.

"Crucio!" Walburga shouted.

"We warned you not to lie," Orion said.

"You won't do as a werewolf, but you would make a rather nice carpet with the soft fur," Walburga said.

"No, no, please." I cried, still buzzing with pain from the curse.

Hours later, after a dozen more curses and beatings, I was lying on the ground with barely any feeling and no more tears to shed each time my nerves twitched. I looked at the fire that I was lying next to and then looked at the floo powder that was next to it. I reached out weakly and knocked the vase full of power into the fireplace. I was tempted to floo to the Potters, but I didn't. I didn't want to prove them right.

I weakly made myself up the stairs and into my room, collapsed into my bed, still sore and bleeding from multiple cuts.

March 24th 1978

     I was sitting on the Hogwarts Express, not moving because that caused more pain. I had spent the rest of the holiday in multiple alleys just to escape being near my parents. The moon was bad and since I already had injuries before the preexisting cuts got worse and more were made, I was pretty sure I had lost more blood than I should have. 

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up feeling warm. I jolted upwards, causing a wave of pain to go through my body.

"Hey, you're fine," James says, pulling me downwards.

I look around and see Sirius sitting in the corner and Remus sleeping with him.

"They're sleeping, don't worry," James says.

"How long did I sleep for?" I asked. My voice sounded raw.

"Maybe two hours," James says.

"Oh," I replied.

"Why didn't you come after they did this?" James questions.

"They didn't do it, the wolf did." I lied.

"The wolf didn't do all of this. Please don't lie," James says. I sigh, knowing nothing gets past him.

"I didn't want to worry you," I replied.

"You worried me by going back to me and you are worrying me now that I know you are hurt and still bleeding for Godric knows how long," James says.

"I'm sorry," I replied.

"Don't go back there, please," James says.

"I won't," I replied.

"Promise me," James says.

"I promise," I replied.

"Good," James says. He brushes back the hair on my forehead and then kisses me.

I woke up next, feeling cozy and warm. It sounded like I was in the Marauders dorm, which meant I missed dinner. I could hear Sirius and James arguing from the sound of it.

"I should have made him come with us," Sirius said.

"He wouldn't have listened." James says.

"I know, but I should have known," Sirius said.

"You couldn't have known about this," James counters.

"I'm an awful brother, aren't I?" Sirius says.

"You're not, you're just worried, which you shouldn't be. He will come with us for any breaks. I won't allow him to go back and I don't think he wants to go back either." James explains.

"You're right," Sirius replied.

"I know I am," James says.

"You think he will be okay?" Sirius asked.

"He's patched up, and the bleeding has lessened, so I think physically he will be, but mentally I can't say," James says.

"Okay, well, that's better than nothing," Sirius replied.

"Exactly," James says.

After that, it went quiet and dark and I fell asleep once more.

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