"Mr. Stark?" the boy stuttered out.

"Hey kid.. bad dream?" I hesitantly asked, not wanting to push any boundaries.


"Do you want to talk about it?" I questioned.

Peter hesitated for a moment before shaking his head no.

"It's silly, really, it doesn't matter," he muttered, wiping his tears.

"It matters to me, but if you don't want to talk, that's okay. Oh, and Peter, your Aunt said she went home to sleep. She will drive over in the morning to pick you up. Get some rest, kid; I think you have school tomorrow."

I started standing off the edge of the bed when I saw Peter reach out to stop me. I looked back at the kid, still cowering in the corner with puffy eyes.

"I- I don't feel like being alone right now", he whispered, almost ashamed. I nodded and put my hand out for the kid to grab, pulling him onto his feet. 

"I know just the thing to help."

I led him down the hall back into the lounge room, where I made him sit in the middle of the couch, bundling up all the blankets and pillows I could find and sitting next to him.

" FRI, play Star Wars: A New Hope", I instructed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a massive grin on Peter's face as he wrapped himself in the blankets next to me. Not that I would let the kid know, but this was an old favourite of mine. I overheard the kid talking with Clint about loving these movies, so I thought this would take his mind off whatever upset him.

About halfway through the film, while I was focused on the movie, a sudden thud on my arm initially startled me. Looking down, I saw Peter crash hard, fast asleep, leaning into my shoulder. It's rare anyone other than Pepper is this close to me; it felt nice. I started thinking about how much the kid has grown on me these past few days. Soon, my eyes drift to black from utter tiredness.


Snickering filled my ears as the sharp sun started to pool through the living room. Once my eyes come into focus, I see my colleagues, Barton and Nat, staring back with a huge grin.

"What are you two idiots looking at?" I murmured.

"Oh, nothing, just you and your new intern getting all cute and cuddly." Nat smiled.

Looking down, I see Peter still asleep, leaning against my chest with an arm holding onto me. The state he is in is pretty adorable.

"Isn't that the sweetest?"

I looked at the private elevator as May walked out, joining everyone looking down at the sleeping teen.

" He had a pretty nasty dream last night", I softly spoke while pointing towards Pete. A frown appeared on her face for a second.

" I hope he slept enough; he still must attend school today. I know he's smart, but missing school is not good. Do you want to do the honours?" she laughed.

I gently shake Parker's shoulders, stirring him. he starts mumbling, "Sleep five more, " and snoring. I let out a loud laugh, making the kid's eyes open and his face red, quickly getting off me.

"Sorry, sir", he quickly spoke, looking up and seeing May.

"Aunt May!!"

The kid practically launched off the couch into her arms

"You're here!" Peter smiled

" Yes, I'm here, but you'll be late for school! you have your internship here this afternoon, so is it okay if he leaves his stuff here and grabs it then?" May directs her question to me.

"Sure, fine, good. Later Underoos," I say, getting up myself.

The kid soon tailed out the door with his Aunt; I better clear some space in my lab ready for the kid this afternoon.

Bruised But Not Broken -  Irondad/spidersonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin