chapter two

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it's been 23 days since the company approved my request to meet the cast- meaning that i was really going to see my favorite fictional characters fall out of the pages of the book that shaped who i am. the date of their arrival was March 2nd.

that was today.

however a slight change was made in my wish, Leah, who played Annabeth, and Aryan who played Grover, both had last minute conflicts and wouldn't be able to make it, which was really disappointing, but at least i'd get to meet Walker. the company suggested other dates, but they were too far in the future, and i was impatient as well as unsure if i'd even make it that long.

2 more hours.

i spent my time staring at the almost blindingly white ceiling, the lightning in hospitals is never pleasant but it seems like my room specifically was worst, maybe because it was all the time i spent there and i was tired of staring at the same agonizingly boring walls, ceilings and flooring. there wasn't really any decorations in the room. there was a couple gifts from my friends but i stopped receiving them after the first few months, it's not that i'm upset with them or anything, it must've been boring hanging out with a girl who couldn't even move.

everyone cared about me for about a month, but after a while, it seemed like all my friends, teachers and even some family just completely forgot about me. not that i really cared, it was nice to see my friends and family, but at the time, i was so stuck in the fact that i wouldn't be able to live my dreams, go to college, fall in love, or start a family, so i didn't talk a lot to them, looking back i feel bad about it, but i did appreciate their presence. a lot. but i never communicated that and they just gradually stopped coming. the door rattled, then a voice from outside that i didn't recognize. i knew all the nurses voices and this was definitely not one of them.

the door opened and standing in the doorway was a boy around my age with curly blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, it was him! i wasn't ready, how long was i staring at that stupid ceiling? i checked the clocks and he was 30 minutes early, so i wasn't crazy.

"Uh hi! it's nice to meet you. i'm Walker!" he said smiling. when he spoke, i knew this day would change my life forever, i just didn't know how.

thank you sooo much for reading 😊. sorry it took so long! i've been so busy with finals, hopefully i'll update more often now!

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