why did i do that?! (last part)

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jakes pov 

"i-im s-s-so f-fucking s-s-sorry jake" johnnie said looking down at his hands "johnnie theres nothing to be sorry about...but why?" i asked lifting his chin up for him to look at me "what i did to you" he said his hands now on his head sobbing loudly "what the thing you did to my thigh... johnnie that didnt mean anything to me its fine johnnie" i said grabbing his face with my both hands "lets get you cleaned up ok?" i said kissing the top of his pale head "im gunna banded it up it might hurt abit" i said putting my hand in his mouth for him to bite down on poor johnnie i wish i was there "pmfh" johnnie mummbeld as hw bit down on my hand "anddddd..... done!" i said taking him of the counter "thank you jake" johnnie said holding his arms out for a hug 

(3 days later) jakes pov 

i woke up to music blasting its not coming from downstairs but from johnnies room i wake up at 8am this man dosent wake up till like 3pm wtf? i knocked on johnnies door he opened it less then 2 secs later "hey jakeeeee" johnnie said happly "why r u up so early?" i asked rubbing my eyes "i didnt sleep" johnnie said picking up trash from his clean-ish room "johnnieeeeee u need sleep" i said looking at him he was wearing gray sweats and a no name hoddie that was mine.. it was....cute "stealing my hoddies are we" i said looking down at him god hes so cute i know i shouldent say this but i will and i can. "n-no" johnnie said trying to turn away but i stopped him "its ok johnnie you look cute in it" i said boldly "w-w-what?" johnnie asked looking up at me "you look cute in it dumbass" i said holding his chin 

(johnnies pov)

omg im gunna die is jake trying to make me blush?! hes to hot i know i shouldnt say this but i can and i will. "can i stay in here johnnie?" jake said stepping threw my door "yea ofc jake sit down on my bed!" i said picking up a broom and going back to wat i was doing. after bout 3 hrs later me and jake were talking on my bed abt wat we should do for vids and stuff like that "johnnieee" jake wined "jakeee" i said back "so yk how you have one of my hoddies....can i have one of yours??" jake asked in his mama bear voice i laughed " yeah ofc jake" i said walking to my finally clean draws grapping my new 'zombie' hoddie and chucking it to jake "omg it smells like u thanks johnnieeee" jake said running up to me hugging it and me god i love this man.



i dyed my hair soooo thats why it took so long for me to do a pt 4 lmao BUT IT LOOKS COOL


ily u guys sm stay strong and dont give up im proud of all u lot and wish u the best and watever your going threw u will get thrw it <3

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