Only The Lonely Survive

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They had already tried, things did not give the result they expected and that made the God of humanity desperate, he knew the solution to his problem, he knew how to become taken seriously before the rest of the gods, but he refused to accept the cost of this action that he had longed for so much.

—I don't know how you feel, and I'm sure I can't even imagine it, but I'd rather you tell me your pains and keep it here, because even if it sounds selfish, I'd rather it hurts to be together than to be happy somewhere else, no one treats me the way you treat me, with so much love and affection, so no one will ever be compared to you,  you can tell me what's going on, you know I'm with you in this Bob— the blond looked at the God begging for a little attention from him, he only replied that everything was fine and dissatisfied, Bosip left.

The blonde's words were remarkably blind with love, because his eyes were blindfolded with a gold ribbon, his ears refused to listen to the hurtful words of the divinity, so he covered them until he began to hallucinate sweet praise.

Bob's heart was starting to get out of control just from being close to the human, maybe not in the best way but it was a feeling that in his eternal existence he hadn't experienced, however, things had to change unless he wanted to remain an insignificant and useless God... He didn't know whether to keep what he had or go for more.

He knew perfectly well that a love like that would end in imminent tragedy, he knew that every kiss he gave him would mean losing everything little by little. It hurt horribly for both of them to love in such a strong and intense way, they lost themselves the more they loved the other and he, perhaps more than anyone else in that, and any other world, knew that one of them would not make it out alive, but it was evident that only the one who spent his existence alone will survive.

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and perhaps years had passed since the arrival of the blonde, for the human and for the divinity, time had ceased to be a concept and had become something uncertain of which they had ceased to have even the slightest perception.

Humanity had repopulated the earth by this point, it was now a much better place than it had ever been, and Bob came down to the mainland from time to time just to hang out and watch the advances that seemed more and more astonishing to him.

A human, not the blond one who had arrived centuries ago, but a blue-haired man who had caught the god's attention on one of his many visits, making him leave aside the other boy who had long ago arrived with him.

He came down too often just to be with him, he did too many things that he had never even thought of doing for Bobsip

This didn't go unnoticed before the eyes of the blond human who looked from the clouds at the scene that was so strange to him and hurt his poor heart, had he wasted his precious freedom which he begged for more than one occasion to be returned to him so that the divinity would fall in love with someone else? Therefore, he decided to talk seriously with the God of mankind.

—I'm pretty sure you're thinking of someone else, someone who obviously isn't me and it's painful, someone not as complicated as I've been with you, he'll heal every single wound that I couldn't but, to be honest, he'll never know you the way I know you, I came here centuries ago in order to get answers that even now, several are still unknown but he, he has those answers because he is not a whim like I am for you because you keep me here like, a punishment? Sentence?— The blond looked desperate, his heart began to beat slower than it had ever beaten, tears threatened to come out of his expressive eyes.

Bob looked at him expressionlessly, he had nothing to say to that human who, as he himself had said, punished for his now non-existent curiosity, well the rest of the humans said that curiosity killed the cat.

—But the cat died knowing, but I don't even know half of what I expected to know and I'm sure that now my death is no longer something that will come soon, that happens to me because I'm greedy to know— As if he had read his mind, the blond responded to what was said in his mind

—Bosip, you know well that this situation isn't sustainable and never has been, so stop torturing yourself with your useless thoughts, because you leave yourself wounds incapable of healing— The divinity retreated, unknowingly crushing the remaining pieces of the human's crystal heart, destroying the trace of humanity left over in the blonde.

However, we all heal sooner or later, right? You never know if you're going to stay for long or if you're going to leave before you can even grow old happily, by then your future seemed so uncertain, so far away that it seemed like a fantasy to think of a place to call home.

But it was more than obvious that a love like that would end in tragedy, perhaps not for him, but certainly for divinity and human should be hurt.

One night while he was creating things with the clouds he managed to hear distant voices, one of them was Bob's, was he upset?

He walked over to where the voices could be heard, and then his eyes showed nothing but happiness.

—Why? The God here is me, he shouldn't have the power to take anything away from me, and now, it turns out that if he takes away the most precious thing I have, he will be a God!— The voice of the divinity was frightened.

Bosip didn't think too much about it, it was as easy as snatching Amor from him, it's that simple, so his plan didn't take more than a few weeks to complete.


Humanity ran terrified of the catastrophe they suffered, even after all, they still did not betray their own, therefore, they hid Amor from whatever the divinity that demanded for him wanted to do to him.

Poor damned souls, the blond found the blue-haired man and condemned those who hid him from him, making them burn until they cried out for mercy but his blue God never appeared to help, he wasn't even aware of what was happening to his beloved creation.

The pain in the God's eyes was reflected as he saw the head of his beloved in front of him with a victorious Bosip, Bob had just been dethroned to make way for a new divinity who had earned the respect of all the other gods.

The God of mankind has been dethroned, they well knew that the loneliest would survive.

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