Chapter 9

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Noah's Pov

I looked at the contract in front of me and what I saw made me freeze in shock. How could he do this?
"Have you told Scarlett about this contract?" I asked, still looking at the contract in shock.

"No," came his simple reply. "This needs to stay between us. There is no need for Scarlett to know."

Firstly, it was written that 10% of the shares of Cartel Enterprises will belong to Scarlett. What the hell—I can't just give away my company to anyone, and it was written that we can't get divorced unless it is what Benjamin wants. He is not the one who is getting married now is he?

"I will not sign this. How can you expect me to sign this bullshit?" I said, slamming the contract on the table.

"Look, son, me investing in your broken-down company is not a small deal, and I am also marrying my daughter to you. You have to give as much as you're taking," Benjamin said in a calm voice, as if this is no big deal.

He is talking like his daughter is not even a person, just a thing he is giving to me. Bullshit. "And if I don't sign this, then what?"

"Then there will be no deal," he said matter-of-factly.

I signed the contract. 'There, now let's discuss our deal, shall we?' I said through gritted teeth.


Author's Pov

The car pulled over in front of a big building. Noah stepped out of the car and gazed up at the tall structure.

"This way, sir," the secretary said while showing him inside.

It is an apartment building owned by Jules, and this will be where Noah and Scarlett will be staying. Benjamin didn't leave any stones unturned to ensure his daughter's well-being, like he cared for her when it was all just a show.

"This is your apartment, sir" the secretary said, handling him the keys and leaving.

The spacious apartment featured a second floor and a grand hall adorned with floor-to-ceiling windows that bathed the space in natural light. It had three bedrooms and a generously sized kitchen, the residence exuded an air of sophistication and comfort. The expansive layout and architectural design added to the overall beauty of the apartment.

Noah made his made into one of the rooms and the room exudes luxury from every corner.

Lavish furnishings, including plush velvet sofas and the walls are adorned with tasteful artwork. A fireplace with a marble mantle serves as a focal point, casting a warm and inviting glow. Expansive windows, draped in rich, heavy curtains, offer views of city skylines with a big king-sized bed in the middle.

He lay on the bed with his legs hanging down, contemplating everything that had happened until now, and didn't know when sleep engulfed him.

Upon waking up, he realized it was already night. Deciding to prepare dinner for himself, he headed to the kitchen, only to find Scarlett already there.

Startled, Scarlett screamed upon seeing him, causing Noah to wince and cover his ears. "What the hell?" he exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

"What the heck are you doing in my apartment?" Scarlett shouted.

"What?" Noah questioned, taken aback by her outburst.

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