He reluctantly turned around
and left the room, meeting
Jimin in the hallway and they went back downstairs and
got Jaewon.

Jungkook picked him up and carried him upstairs as
Jimin turned off the TV.

He put Jaewon down in his
bed and he couldn't help the long, lingering look he gave
the boy before he went out
into the hallway.

Jimin was already there waiting.

Jungkook pulled the door
shut but not all the way,
leaving it slightly ajar.

"You've raised three amazing kids."

Jungkook meant it.

Jimin's kids were bright,
funny and sweet.

They were a testament to
him and the guilt came
roaring back but he shoved
it down, not wanting to ruin
the moment.

Jimin's cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"Thank you."

Jungkook nodded and they
just stood there looking at
each other.

He had this overwhelming
desire to kiss Jimin, so he
leaned in and brushed their
lips together.

His tongue moved across
Jimin's lips and he opened
for him.

Jungkook stepped closer and
put his arms around his
omega, wrapping him in a
tight embrace and locking
their bodies together.

"Do you have to leave?" Jimin asked between kisses.

Jungkook shook his head and then Jimin guided him to his bedroom.

Just because the kids were asleep didn't mean Jimin
and Jungkook had to be.

* * *

Jungkook opened his eyes and glanced over to the clock on
Jimin's dresser.

It was just after one in the morning.

He turned to look down at
Jimin whose back was to
him, his body perfectly
fitting into his arms.

He watched him sleep and
that guilt crashed into him
like a semi.

There was this part of him
that kept saying he should tell
Jimin the truth, get it all out there so this growing
relationship wouldn't be
hurt by what he had done.

But there was another part
that said he should bury it
so far down it never saw the
light of day because if it was
all revealed, he would for
sure lose Jimin.

For the first time in his life,
he couldn't make a decision.

He couldn't imagine his life without Jimin or the kids in it.

They were everything to
him already.

Jimin shifted around in the bed and then opened his eyes.

He smiled at Jungkook and reached out to touch his arm.

At that moment with those trusting eyes on him, he
opened his mouth to say what was weighing on his mind.

He just didn't want this
elephant to remain between them but then he heard
Mirae call out.

"Dad? Dad?" Jimin smiled.

"She has nightmares." He

"I'll be right back."

He rolled out of bed and threw on some lounge pants from his drawer, then left the room.

Jungkook laid there for a moment.

He loves Jimin.

That thought was running through his mind.

He had to be honest with him
so they could forge ahead
with nothing but the truth between them.

He got out of bed, grabbed
his pants from the floor and slipped them on then padded
out of the bedroom and into
the hallway.

Jungkook walked down to
Mirae's room and peeked
his head in.

Jimin was sitting on the edge
of the bed, his arm wrapped around Mirae and he was whispering something to her.

Jungkook smiled at the
exchange in front of him.

That was something he'd miss out of if he told Jimin the
truth and Jimin chose not to forgive him.

How could he lose that?

Mirae lay back down in the
bed and Jimin kissed her forehead.

He backed out of the room
and went back to Jimin's bedroom.

As much as the guilt felt like
it would eat him alive for not being honest, he tried to rationalize it by telling himself that it beat the alternative of having Jimin hate him for the betrayal and then losing
Jimin and the triplets in the process.

Jungkook closed his eyes
and released a sigh as he
got back into bed.

His papa was right.

He should have just been
straight up from the start.

Jimin walked into the room
and pushed his lounge pants down and slid under the
covers beside Jungkook.

"Everything alright?" He

Jimin nodded.

"Yeah, she's good."

"Sometimes she just has
these dreams and needs me
to rub her back till she falls asleep again."

Jungkook's arms circled
around Jimin and he kissed
the back of his neck.

"They're lucky to have
you and so am I."

Jimin twisted around so they could look at each other and leaned up to brush a kiss on
Jungkook's lips.

He looked into Jungkook's
eyes and said.

"We're lucky to have you."

He ignored that squeezing
feeling in his chest and
tightened his arms around
Jimin as his head fell back
on the pillow.

Now wasn't the right time to come clean regarding the truth.

He just needed a little more
time and he prayed to what
ever gods were listening that
the little family he'd just
found wouldn't slip through
his fingers because of his
rash manipulations.

The rest of the night passed
with very little sleep.

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