"No I just couldn't fall asleep." I answers him with a reassuring smile on my lips.

"Are you sure?" he asks me immediately, and I nod as an answer.

Shortly afterwards our ways part and he goes to Math while I to English.

After a long day of classes, it is time for my last one. But unfortunately it has to be PE.

The other lesson I hate with passion. It is also a class, which I share with Aiden. The only good thing. Though also with Reece, I'm remembered when I see him standing there talking to some friends.

Today we have good weather and that means we are going to do sports outside. I think the universe hates me even more, because when we are all standing at the sports field, my PE teacher announces that we are going to tun laps. A few kids groan at his announcement and I'm probably the loudest one.

Aiden chuckles next to me and I give him a big glare, which he answers with putting his hands up in surrender.

The task is easy for him because running is a second nature for him. For me it is a nightmare. I get out of breath before the real training even starts.

"As a warming up, I want everybody of you to jog two rounds," Mr. Kingsley our teacher screams over the loud chattering of his students.

At his words everyone stops talking because they know Mr. Kingsley is merciless. Then we all walk together to the starting line.

"Do you want me to run with you?" Aiden ask me during stretching himself for the run.

I shake my head and reply. "No, I don't want to hold you back. Besides, if you jog in my speed, I will feel even more nonathletic," I tell him.

I know he secretly wants to show his running skills, and he knows not to argue with me.

So as our teacher gives us the signal to start, my best friend immediately becomes one of the front runners and I one of the last ones with my slow turtle pace.

I'm not born to run, I think as I jog.My breath is coming out unsteadily and my sides start to hurt already.

Only two or three kids are behind me and it is a miracle they are slower than me.

As I pass the finish line for the first time, I want time to stop and lay down. And this is just the warm up.

Aiden, who is still at the front with two other guys, are half a round in front of me. Which isn't fair at all. Why are they so fast?

But suddenly the people in front of me stop running. Immediately I do the same thing and look at my surroundings. Everywhere I look time is standing still and my classmates and my teacher are frozen on their spot. I feel kind of relieved that my power set in if I'm being honest. Now I can take a breath and recover from my run. This is the first time my ability has the perfect timing. I'm thankful and even a small smiles appears on my lips.

The next thing is to surprise myself, because instead of waiting for time to go on, I continue my round in a normal speed. I know I should have waited at my spot, but this is a one time opportunity.

First, I pass a group of girls and I have to laugh out loud at their exhausted faces. I probably don't look any better, but it is just too funny. One of them has her mouth open from talking. It looks ridiculous, and I suppress the urge to put something into her mouth.

I then walk by a few single runners and sometimes groups of two. All of them looking innocent and they don't know what is happening to them.

After a while I almost reach the three front runners, but stop a few meters behind them. It is going to be too suspicious if I outrun them.

The three runners are Aiden, Reece and a friend of his. I think his name is Riley.

Now I have to wait, and I use the remaining time to get some air. The time doesn't wait for long and is now walking forward again.

Not only ten seconds pass by until Aiden turns around and takes a brief glance behind him. He probably heard steps coming closer.

His face is priceless when he sees me and I grin at him. My best friend stops in his tracks and waits for me.

I don't stop when I reach him and just continue jogging. He immediately catches up to me.

Reece and Riley notice Aiden absence and as well turn around. Riley just goes back to running after he sees Aiden jogging with me. But Reece gives me another glance before he continues running.

With a still shocked face Aiden asks, "How did you..?" but he stops himself, when he puts two and two together and continues.

"In PE? Are you okay?"

With a smile on my lips I answer him. "I'm perfectly fine."

Aiden narrows his eyes at me and I know why. I always hate it when my extraordinary ability surprises me and that I'm happy is more than strange. But it is different this time because I used my ability to my advantage.

And as I pass with Aiden the finish line and our PE teacher tells us, "Good job Aiden and Celia," I feel great and have this feeling, that my power isn't so bad at all. The only question is, how will I control them?

This is chapter four and be excited for the next one, it will contain more of Reece. What do you think so for about the story? Do you like it? I hope you do and maybe leave a comment and a vote. Have a nice day!

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