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Holly and Emma drove back to Holly's place with the kids. Charlie meanwhile came home from being out with his friends.

"Mum, where is dad?" "He is in prison Charlie. I'm sorry." "What?! Why?" "He is being accused of murdering a 21 year old woman." "He would never!" "We know Charlie. But the police still thinks it's him." "Why? These bastard's are wrong! Dad isn't a criminal!" Charlie was out of his mind. "I need evidence. Otherwise it will be nearly impossible to get your dad out." "But you can get him out? Right Emma?" "I will be doing my best Ellie. But I can't promise anything." "At least you are helping us." Charlie smiled, but he was sad. He and his father were always really close. "Charlie." Emma called. The eleven year old boy looked up. Emma waved him over. Charlie went over to his mother's friend. Emma gave Charlie a hug. "I know it's hard that your father isn't here. But don't lose hope. He is a strong man and we all will fight to give him justice." Charlie nodded and hugged Emma tight. "Emma's right, we will all fight for dad. He will be free." Ellie, Charlie and Liam nodded in agreement with their mother. "I hope dad will be okay." "He will be Ellie, don't worry." "Okay Charlie." Ellie smiled a little. "Holly, can we go somewhere private?" "Sure, let's go to the garden." Holly and Emma went to the garden. Ellie, Liam and Charlie watched from the windows.

"I had an Idea. When I talked to Ellie I asked her if I should come over from time to time and spend some time with her and the boys. Then you would have more time to do the household. I could perhaps help Ellie and Charlie with their homework and play with them while you do laundry and some other stuff that needs to be done. Ellie liked the idea." Holly looked at her best friend. "Seriously? You would really do that?" "Of course I would. You were my best friend from the first day of first grade on. You always helped me with homework. Now it's my time to pay you back for all of it." "Thank you." Holly hugged Emma. She was so happy. "It's okay. I'll gladly do it for you." Emma smiled and hugged Holly back. The three kids watched, clueless about what happened. "Let's go tell the kids about it. Ellie will be over the moon." "I'm sure she will be over the moon." Emma giggled causing Holly to giggle as well. The two friends got up from where they were sitting and walked over to the house. When they entered the kids looked at them.

"What did you talk about?" Ellie looked between the two women like a detective. Emma chuckled softly. "Well kids. Emma and I decided that Emma will be coming over from time to time." A huge smile found its way to Ellie's face. Even Charlie smiled. Liam did a little happy dance. "Well, but for today I have to go. I want to get a copy from your dad's file from the police station. I'll see you maybe tomorrow." "Bye Emma." "Bye Emma." "See you soon. And thank you for your help." "No problem. See you soon." Emma smiled and left. She went to her car and drow off to the police station. She convinced an officer to give her a copy of the file regarding the case of James Smith and drove home.

While Emma read the file Holly made dinner for her and the kids. While eating Ellie looked at the spot her father usually sat. "Ellie?" "Hm?" She looked up at her mother. "I know you miss him. Emma will get him out. I know she will do her best." "Mhm." Ellie nodded. "It will be okay." Holly smiled. Ellie just looked back at her food and ate a little more. Holly started worrying about Ellie. The young girl was acting less like herself. Ellie deeply missed her father. James and Ellie's relationship was tightly knitted from the start. Holly put all the kids to bed and went to the living room. She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Her phone buzzed. She looked at the display. Emma was calling. "Hey Emma." "Hey Holly, is everything okay?" "No, I'm worried about Ellie. She is not acting like herself. She is sad that James isn't here with us." "I understand Ellie. It's hard without a father. Would you like me to come over tomorrow?" "Sure. Were you able to gather new evidence to prove that James is innocent?" "Sadly not." Holly sighed. "Ellie will be devastated by the news." "Holly, I will try my best to get James out of Jail." "I know. I'm just scared that Ellie will get sick because she refuses to eat anything at all." "I'll come over tomorrow morning at..." Emma looks at her clock. "How about 8 a.m.?" "Sure, that would be great." Holly took a deep breath. "You are the best Emma." "I'm just doing my job. And a little more to help my friend." Holly chuckles. "See you tomorrow Emma." "See you tomorrow Holly, bye." "Bye." Holly hangs up. She watches the news and then goes to bed.

The next day Holly gets her three kids ready for the day. At 8 a.m. Emma comes to Holly's place. Charlie, Ellie and Liam eat breakfast while Holly and Emma have a little chat. "I'm calling Ellie's school now. I don't care if there will be consequences but at least for the next three days she is sick. I don't think she is able to focus in school." "Do that. I'll sit with them." "Thanks Emma." Emma smiles and sits down at the kitchen table. Holly calls Ellie's school. "Hey guys, did you sleep well?" "Yeah, I did." "I slept well too." "Liam sleepy good." "That sounds great." "Did you sleep well too Emma?" "Yeah. I did Ellie." Ellie smiles a little. "You need to smile more often Ellie, it suits you." Ellie can't help but giggle. "There you go." "That's the Ellie I know." Charlie smiles. Holly returns to the kitchen. "Charlie, grab your backpack we have to go now." "Okay mum." Charlie runs upstairs to his room and grabs his backpack. Meanwhile Holly gets Liam ready to leave. Once Charlie and Liam are ready to leave Holly leaves with her two boys. After dropping Charlie off at school and Liam at Kindergarten Holly goes to work. Emma stays with Ellie. While Ellie is watching TV Emma makes some calls and investigates James case further. After work Holly collects Charlie and Liam from school and kindergarten and drives home. As Holly, Charlie and Liam come inside Emma and Ellie play Uno. Ellie is winning again. "We're home." Holly says. "We're in the living mum, I'm winning Uno against Emma again." Holly makes her way to the living room. "Ellie is the Ultimate Uno champion. She won 7 times in a row." "Wow Ellie, that's amazing." "Thanks mum." Ellie giggles. "Now kids, I'll make you guys a snack." Holly goes and prepares a snack in the kitchen. Charlie and Ellie play on the sidewalk and Emma watches Liam play in the sand box. After a while Liam gets thirsty so Emma goes inside with him and grabs a drink from the fridge. Suddenly Holly and Emma heard the brakes of a car squeak, followed by a terrified scream. Emma and Holly rush outside to check what's going on. The two best friends are in for a shock when they see Ellie laying on the street unconscious. The young girls wheelchair is standing on the sidewalk and Charlie is standing there in shock. Holly runs over to Ellie and Emma goes over to Charlie. "Charlie, what happened?" Emma asks. "She wanted to get our ball and a car came with full speed and hit Ellie." "Shh, it will be okay." While Emma comforts Charlie, Holly called an ambulance for Ellie. After about 15 minutes the ambulance arrives and brings Ellie to the hospital. Emma arranges for Charlie and Liam to be watched by a neighbour and drives to the Hospital and waits on news how Ellie is doing. After waiting for what felt like an eternity Holly approaches Emma. "She will be okay, right? Ellie will be okay?" Holly sits down, holding back tears. "The doctor's they..." Holly takes a deep breath. "They can't tell if she will ever wake-up again." Emma stares at Holly in shock. "Oh my god."


A/n:I'm sorry I'm updating this story after like an eternity but I didn't know how to continue the story but now I know how I'll continue

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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