Campfire Heat (Eddie x Mully) [Fluff]

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Under the setting sun, The Boys were putting up their tents; they all decided to go camping together again since the last couple of times were fun and had no issues. Despite Josh suggesting that they should all share a larger tent, the others wanted their privacy; though this was mainly requested by Juicy and Narrator who wanted a tent for themselves. 

With their tents set up, they all decided to roast some marshmallows by the campfire Narrator had prepared earlier. Eddie passed the marshmallow skewers to everyone while Juicy eagerly opened the bag of sweet treats. As Eddie passed a skewer to Mully, their fingers briefly touched, causing Mully to react with a slight jump.

"Everything alright?" He asked the Aussie. 

"Oh, uh.. yeah, I'm good," Mully responded, a hint of pink coloring his cheeks. Eddie found this adorable as he sat beside him. 

As the sunset faded into night and conversation flowed freely among friends, Eddie couldn't help but notice Mully's subtle gestures. Whether he would lean against Eddie or his laugh would ring out sweeter, Eddie couldn't help his evergrowing feelings for the Austrailian beside him.  Tentatively, he draped his arm around Mully to see his reaction and found solace in the lack of rejection. Narrator took Mully's gaze for a moment as they had a brief, wordless conversation. All Mully had to do was smile shyly and Narrator understood the situation. 

Not long after, Narrator made an excuse that he and Juicy were turning in for the night. Josh soon followed suit after ensuring the campfire embers were safe. This left Mully and Eddie in an awkward silence. 

"Welp, guess I'll head to bed too. You sleeping soon?" Eddie asked as he stood up. 

"You know me, it might take a while." Mully chuckled softly. 

"Well, if you need anything, feel free to wake me," Eddie told him, entering his tent.

30 minutes later, as Eddie felt the warm embrace of sleep taking over, he heard a light tapping on his tent. crawling over to the zipper, he opened his tent to find Mully standing in front of him; he seemed a little nervous. 

"Sup, dawg?" 

" mind if I come in?" Mully asked, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Oh, sure thing man," Eddie said, noting his friend's nervous stance as he fully unzipped the opening. Once Mully made his way in, the tent was closed once more. 

"Everything okay, Mully? Having trouble getting to sleep?"

"'s just...fuck, how do I even begin?" 

This made Eddie worry a bit; what had Mully so tonguetied? Usually, he couldn't shut up for a while, so seeing this side of him caused mixed feelings of concern and worry to grow. 

"Well...why don't I just show you what's been on my mind?" The Aussie sheepishly asked. 

Confused, Eddie simply nodded. Did Mully's collarbone start hurting him again? Before he could think of any other possibilities, he soon found Mully's lips on his. All of his previous worry became shock as he found himself holding the other man's hands as he kissed back; was Eddie dreaming?

Once they pulled away from each other, Mully kept his eyes on Eddie, hoping he wouldn't be upset. 

"I'm in love with you, Eddie. I have been for quite a while. Seeing your bright smile, hearing your contagious laughter tonight...I knew if I didn't get this off my chest, I would regret it."


A branch snapped outside of their tent, causing both men to jump.

"Josh, shut the fuck up, they'll hear you!"

"Juicy, don't tell me to shut the fuck up! You're being too loud!" 

"Both of you shut the fuck up, I wanna hear what Eddie has to say!" 

Both men instantly knew that the other Boys were outside of their tent, failing at making their presence unknown.

"All three of you can shut up already, you suck at being quiet. And guess what?" Eddie said as he kept his gaze on Mully. 

"I feel the same way." As he pulled him in for another kiss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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