Can't Help Myself (Juicy x Narrator) [Fluff]

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Every time Narrator looked at Juicy, it was like the first time. The smile that grew with each glance always radiated pure adoration and love for the other male. Not only did he love simply staring, but Narrator's main love language towards his partner was physical touch. Whether it was simply holding Juicy's hand, holding him close in his arms, or stealing as many kisses as possible, there was always a bit of contact. Juicy loved every moment of it too, enjoying the warmth he would get and the love he would feel in each touch and caress. 

While one showed their love through touch and physicality, the other showed it through sentiment and verbal affirmations. Juicy had kept the many love notes both left for each other through the years in a small notebook; ranging from post-it notes to full-on letters, each piece of paper was adorned with small doodles, everlasting memories, and expressions of their love for one another. With each turn of the page and each reminder, Narrator's heart would swell with emotion, knowing that Juicy felt as strongly as he did. 

Currently, they were lying on top of a blanket outside, the moonlit sky above them painting their surroundings in silver and shine. The only noise surrounding them was the crickets chirping and the leaves rustling around them; Narrator had one arm under his head while the other one was wrapped around Juicy, while the smaller male cuddled up as close as he could get. 

"Hey, I have a question." Juicy looked up at his lover, who hummed in response. 

"What is it, love?" 

"What did I do to deserve such a loving man like you?" 

Narrator blinked for a moment, rising so he could look his boyfriend in the eye while still gently holding onto him. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"I don't know. Being under the stars, all the love you always give's moments like this where I wonder what would happen if this never happened." 

Narrator leaned down to kiss his partner's forehead and cheek before responding. 

"You wanna know what you did to deserve me?" He began, Juicy nodding. "You were unapologetically yourself, and still are. You make me happy, you make me feel loved, and you are an amazing person. The list of things you have done is infinite, always growing. I wouldn't give this up or give you up for the world." 

Unable to contain his emotions any further, Juicy wrapped both arms around his lover, small tears of gratitude prickling his eyes; he needed to hear every bit of that, and knew his lover meant every word. 

"Whoa, somebody's becoming a bit of a cuddle bug, aren't they?" Narrator gently teased as Juicy playfully slapped his arm. 

"I can't help myself, you bring that out of me." He said with a smile. 

(Felt like these two deserved some fluffy bits, gonna work on more smut soon though!)

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