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Noah's Pov:

"Okay, sir. Just stay on the phone. I'm sending a team right now." The woman on the phone said. "Yes mam." I said sighing with relief. I then heard banging on my door, I know Caleb is at the door. He's screaming my name at this point. "Ugh, exe's, right?" I said in disbelief. "I've seen worse." The woman said on the phone.

"He keeps on banging on the door. What do I do—" I heard glass break from the living room, "Noah, where are you?" I heard a voice say. "He got in the house." I whispered to the woman on the phone. "Hide somewhere safe until they get there. Do not make a sound." The woman spoke.

I opened the window in my room and hid behind my room door. I stood as still as I could. I then heard him opening doors in the house. I really hope he didn't mess anything up. He then got to my door, "Noah, I know you're in here. Open the door." I heard Caleb say. "Nah dumbass I'm outside." I mouthed to myself.

He unlocked my door and slammed it wide open, the door hit my face. I rolled my eyes and brought the door closer to me. I heard him opening my closet door, didn't he see the window that's open? Or he had just didn't believe it. I heard him begin to walk away from my room but stopped at the door.

"Arabian cologne.." I heard Caleb say. "Fuck." I sighed as I face palmed myself. How am I so smart, yet so dumb. I saw his hand grab the end of the door and swung it shut. His face was bloody so he looked extra insane.

"Heyyy." I said giving him a nervous smile. "What's that in your hand?" Caleb asked me. "Nothing." I said hiding it behind my back. "Give me it!" He said grabbing my hand and snatching it away from me. "Did you seriously call the police on me?"

"Yeah, I did. You need help, like really bad. And in order to do that.. I had to call them." I explained to Caleb. "What the FUCK, is wrong with you?!" Caleb yelled at me throwing my phone at the wall. "Bitch, that costed my mom $500 dollars!" I fussed at Caleb.

"Who are you calling Bitch?" Caleb said grabbing my hand once again. "You. Who else am I talking to dumbass?! I'm tired of having to do as you say just so I don't get my ass beat!" I said to Caleb.

He then punched me and slammed me against the wall. My nose started to bleed but I couldn't give a fuck. "When I see your sorry ass in jail, don't say nothing." I spoke. "Don't you say another word about that." Caleb said pulling my hair as hard as he can. "Ow! Bitch let go of me!" I yelled as I kneed him in the balls.

He dropped to the floor and released me from his grip, I ran outside to see... Cody?! "Cody? What are you doing here?" I asked him while out of breath. "Noah.. Your neck and nose. Are you okay?" He asked me. "You need to go. Now!" I said trying to rush him out of my lawn.

"Noah, what is with you?! You're acting weird now and you have bruises all over your face. Please tell me what's going on." Cody pleaded me. "I'll tell you later. Just go, go!" I said pushing him away. "But I want to be here for you, besides whatever is going on." Cody said facing me.

Then, I felt a sharp pain on my arm. "Fuck!" I winced in pain. "Oh my god! Noah!" I heard Cody panic as police sirens filled the area. "Again?" I said looking at my other arm that hadn't been shot. Caleb shot me, I turned around to see him fighting the police officers.

"We need to get you to the hospital." I heard Cody's voice say as I started to black out.


I wake up in the white room, I looked at the monitors then I see Cody sleeping on the chair and Gwen and Courtney standing by the wall. "Noah, he's awake!" Courtney said shaking Gwen. "Oh shit, Cody wake up!" Gwen said shaking Cody awake.

"Huh? Oh Noah!" Cody said waking up. "Oh my god, I really thought you were dead at some point." Courtney said as she hugged me. "Noah, I'm just glad you're okay." Gwen said. "You had me worried, who was that guy that shot you?" Cody asked me.

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