Chapter 22 - Family

Start from the beginning

"Isadora's week has just gone down to shits," said Penelope looking out the window of the carriage.


The siblings quickly and quietly made their way back into the castle, stopping in the kitchen to drop off the produce. Peter patted the back of one of the cooks to thank him for his work. He bit into an apple and started his way to his room, when one of the servants came to him, "Your mother is looking for all of you, Prince."

"Thank you," said Peter looking at his siblings which had grabbed fruits and huddled together. They turned to him, "Mother is looking for us."

Penelope, who was sitting down with her hands in her lap, looked up at her brother, "We must tell her." Peter nodded, "Let's go."

They followed behind them like little ants looking for their Queen. Passing the rest of their siblings that were playing in the gardens while waiting for dinner, they scaled their way up the grand stairs and into the long hallway. They passed each door of their rooms, all 15 of them, while coming to the big double doors to their parents suite. Peter knocked lightly on the doors and opened when he heard his mother's voice.

The five siblings walked in and filed next to eachother in front of their mother. "Thank you Aenya love. You may leave," she said to her loyal friend and servant who bowed and left the family by themselves.

The Queen had a letter in her hand. "Is that father's seal?" said Peter.

"Yes", she answered without looking at them, "You were all at the plaza today? I hope you picked out wonderful produce, despite the fiasco that produced afterwards." Rowan gulped heavily.

"And, where is my other daughter?" Peter raised his eyebrows and Penelope finally looked up. "Please. I am your mother first. I get a report of where you all have been each day. You think I would not have noticed one of my children missing?" Peter stepped up and opened his mouth to start speaking but Penelope beat him to it.

"Mama, she left to find her betrothed. I...know it sounds stupid, but that is where she went," she sighed heavily looking down at her hands, "I was the one who helped her leave. I forbade my brothers from saying anything to you."

Silvana nodded, still without looking at her children, "And I am sure you heard the news that was announced at the plaza today?"

"Unfortunately," answered Rowan.

Their mother still would not look at them, but nodded in responce. It was as if she did not want to show them her emotions for fear of instilling fear into them. "Your father is on his way back. I received this letter earlier and things are not looking...too good. Not for anyone." She looked down at the letter and now, finally, up to them. "What he found at court was not at all what he expected. It seems as if the King has been...misguided throughout some years now. Some of the Lords at court have even begun stirring rumors of other families, not true of course, to their own gain. One of them possibly...being us."

The girls gasped and held to eachother while Peter spoke up, "Mother! How is this possible? What have we done to make the King disfavor us? If anything, we all, Father, has done EVERYTHING he has ever asked of him."

"Darling, I do not know. But, we have done NOTHING wrong. Your father has done everything in his power to appease the King. One of the other families think we are 'simply too good, generous, and rich for anyone to believe'. It does not matter anymore," she gave a big sigh and put the letter on the table beside her. She put her arm on the couch to hold her chin and looked up at her children, "this goes beyond Isadora now. Your father is coming home, and we had never imagined, when having children, that we would ever see war. certainly looks like your father is coming to war. And, you may find it knocking on our doors. We will help your father and your sister," now she moved her hands to brace the knee in which she has put across her other knee, "and as heirs to Stormhill and family to which came from the Kingdom of Ceasar, we will help our citizens. Because that is our duty. That is the sole purpose of our high standing positions."

Each sibling looked at one another as if they were being assessed. 

"So," she stood up and made it to the middle in front of her children, "you will listen to me and listen closely. Because I will not be repeating myself again. Time for children's play is over, now is the time to grow and make decisions for yourselves while helping the family. First thing is first, Peter," she looked at him and he held his head high, "as first male heir to Stormhill, you will stay here and help us. When your father gets back, you will be his right hand man. It is time you start learning to lead within castle walls. In the mean time, Pen," she looked at Penelope who had looked  at her mother with curiosity, "when was the last time you wrote to Princess Ismena?"

"I just received a letter earlier this week, I replied yesterday," she replied.

"Good. You, Rowan, and Riken will travel to the Kingdom of Ceasar as a united front, representing us as a family. I will write a letter for you to give to the Ceasar DIRECTLY. No one else gets to open it. Rowan and Riken you represent the next possible heirs of Stormhill and you will safely help your sister while you guys get to your destination. Make sure she does not get eaten by the hellhounds or Cattus at court. You will request an audience with the Ceasar and his sister, and them only. Penelope, you will tell the Ceasar EVERYTHING about when Isadora left. Do not leave anything out." 

Penelope looked at her questioning what her mother was saying, "The Ceasar's one and only childhood friend has gone missing and his father just so happen to question the entire Kingdom about the assassination of a relative? He will listen to you. Give him my letter."

"Violet, you will start training with your brother, Peter, effective immediatly," she specified.

Violet looked at her mother in horror, "Your sisters did well with their father and brothers. It is your time. Apart from that, you will be traveling to Fort Julius to question the Major on a possible location of your sister. Be prepared, you will be going with a party of your father's trusted men." She looked at each of her children. "Am I understood? Your orders are clear. Omni help me when your father gets home to find half of his heirs gone."

"Yes, Mother," they all chided. 

"Come, hug me," the Queen held her hands out. The children hugged eachother and their mother in a group hug. She left their grasps. "Go, pack your bags. You leave tomorrow at first daylight. Your trip is long to the Kingdom of the Hellhound."

Queen Silvana watched her children file out of her room. She wondered what explanation she would give her dear husband as to why half of their heirs have been dismissed. Then she wondered how her poor daughter was fairing, but in the end she sat and finally came to the conclusion that her head-strong daughter left the fortification of the home to her own destiny. Just as she had done when leaving her parents. But, this felt different. No matter, she understood that her daughter was a woman now and that it is too late as she had left. She was certain that if anyone can make a journey like this, it was her daughter. She must make it.

Now, she had to prepare for the wrath of her King husband and settled for standing her ground as his Queen wife, and also mother to her children. 

*The picture above is Penelope*

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