Chapter 14: The Ending Part 1 (with a plot twist)

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Victor presses a button and a portal opens in front of the observatory. A squadron of Orcs come out looking like something out of The Lord of the Rings movies. The PAW Patrol look at them from inside with horror and disgust. The Orc squadron come inside the observatory and Victor hides. The PAW Patrol are frozen where they stand. Liberty grabs out her sword and starts jumping and slashing a poorly-stable pillar where it's weak and smushes them all. Victor comes out in surprise.

Victor E. Vance: Well. This is awkward. Ahem. Good thing I have another fate in mind for Adventure City! How about a herd of mammoths?

Chase: Oh no you don't!

Chase leaps at Victor just as when he was going to press another button! They tumble just as the device was dropped. It broke and it opened a tiny black hole in time!

Max: Wha- - What's happening?!

Ryder: A black hole has opened in the fabric of time!

Rocky: If anything gets sucked in there, they'll be sucked in time forever! 

Skye: Oh no!

Chase and Victor are in a struggle just when the wormhole starts to lift them up in the air! Then everyone else starts floating in the air!

Chase: Eh? Wha - - what's going on?

Victor E. Vance: Your tackling just tampered the device, pressing multiple buttons at once to open ALL time portals into one! Well, at least I get to die knowing I whupped your tiny tail! You have always seemed to be the most annoying.

Chase: At least I know my family's gonna be safe from you! 

Floating in the air, Chase tackles Victor again and they struggle, moving around the room twirling in circles. Victor lands a hit on Chase, but Chase counters with a kick. Then Victor grabs Chase by the ear and throws him but the pup lands gracefully on a pillar and jumps back. They struggle some more and the others cheer them on.

Zuma: You can do it, dude! (He grunts once a wrench comes in contact with him)

Marshall: Come on, Chase! (Nearly misses a floating pillar) Whoa!

Max and Lily: Go, Dad! Yipe! (They duck as a desk floats above them)

Skye: Do it for us, Chase!

Chase takes his advantage and strangles Victor's neck. 

Victor E. Vance: (straining) I can . . . still . . . break you!

Chase: Nothing you can say, nothing you can do can break me!

Victor E. Vance: (straining) You . . . have . . . a father!

Everyone is visibly shocked.

Sage: Way to go, Victory! You just ruined the timeline!

Victor E. Vance: For the last time . . . IT'S VICTOR EZEKIEL VAN- -

Before Victor could finish his sentence, Winter and Aurora push him into the wormhole. It sucks him in and the wormhole closes, and gravity comes back. Rocky lands on Tundra. Liberty catches Zuma. Marshall, despite his clumsy reputation, stands firm. Then in a comedic moment, Junior, Everest and Rubble land on his back. He falls. Ryder catches Sage and Skye and Max find themselves under a toppled over desk. Lily stands up, dazed.

Winter: I can't believe we just did that.

Aurora: Yeah. But that guy was bad, so it doesn't feel so bad.

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