Part II

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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬

Throughout all the crawling and all the confusion of the Gladers, Paige could only think of one thing. How was she the daughter of Janson? How could her own father work with Ava Paige? The one who put them in the maze. Did he even care about her? Did he care his own daughter hated him?

"Come on." Thomas said leading the line. "We're nearly there." Finally, Thomas stopped looking ahead Paige saw light at the end of the tunnel. Making sure no one would walk past, Thomas opened the large vent, climbing out the survivors. Along with Aris and Luca. Seeing everyone out of the vent, Thomas started to walk down a long stretch corridor. As they reached the end, sirens echoed in the ears. Janson knew they were gone.

"Thomas. I have to do something first." Aris said.

"What?" Thomas said confused. "I thought you wanted to get out of here."

"I do. Trust me." Aris said.

"Okay go. Go." Thomas said.

"I'll go with him" Winston said.

"The rest of us find a way out." Thomas said as he continued walking, Aris and Winston went back through the vent.

"Paige what happened?" Minho asked walking behind her.

"Let's just get out of here Minho." Paige said not wanting to talk about it. Suddenly, a guard started shouting at them from the other end of the long corridor. Without thinking, all the Gladers started to run through corridors until Minho stopped. Hesitated, then ran straight for a wall.

"What the hell is he doing?" Newt asked. Minho, jumped up calculating exactly with the guard would turn the corner, so then Minho could take him out and knock him unconscious. Standing over him, Minho smirked and took the gun. "Wicked Is Bullshit." He whispered.

"Okay let's go." Thomas said impressed.

Running through hallways, the Gladers found themselves stuck. A door wasn't opening.

"Wait wait wait." Minho shouted. "What about Teresa?" Thomas turned and looked at the others.

"Alright let's go get her. She's around here somewhere." Thomas said.

"How do you know that?" Newt asked.

"They took her. Into labs. They're this way." Paige said running off. Everyone looked at each other.

"You heard her." Luca said running after Paige followed by the others.


"She's in there." Paige said pointing at a door. "Whoever has the gun go first, they'll be doctors without guns. Go. I need a gun though."

"Why what are you doing?" Thomas asked her.

"Later. Not now we need to get out." Paige said. "Go."

Rushing in the boys threatened the scientists, and tied them up. Grabbing Teresa, Newt would help her out.

"Go!" Luca shouted as he looked down a hallway they were in to see guards and Jason running towards them. Making their way back to the way they came thanks to Minho memorising the way, like he did back in the maze. They got to the large door, trying the keycard Paige swiped it. But nothing worked.

"They've shut down everything." Thomas said trying himself. Suddenly, a voice.

"Thomas!" Janson said walking towards them. Without hesitation, Paige grabbed the gun from Thomas' arms and started to walk to Janson.

"Paige!" Thomas said as he went to go with her but was pulled back by Newt and Minho.

"STAY THERE JANSON!" Paige shouted putting her finger on the trigger, resting the gun on her shoulder. "YOU KNOW I'LL SHOOT!"

"Paige! You won't last a day out there in the scorch." Janson said stopping with his team one guards with shields and guns all pointed at Paige.

"She's going to get shot." Thomas said.

"She can take care of herself." Newt said.

"Too bad." Thomas said grabbing another gun, but smaller Minho had grabbed from the guard he had taken down. Walking towards Paige, soon standing by her he smirked.


"Paige..." Janson smirked. "You're not getting out of those doors."

"Oh yeah." Paige said almost as on cue the door opened revealing Aris and Thomas behind it. Thankful, the others ran to the other side of the door waiting.

"You won't survive." Janson repeated. "You belong here!"

"Let me guess Wicked Is Good." Thomas said his voice shaking.

"Thomas!" Janson shouted fed up. "We're going to find you."

"And then what?" Thomas asked.

"Kill you..." Janson smirked

"Not if I kill you first." Paige said. "After all I'm destined to kill you. Right father?" The other Gladers gasped. Paige was Janson's daughter.

"Yes. You and your brother both." Janson said. "But you'rere just a means to an end."

"Brother?" Thomas said as he started walking backwards slowly with Paige.

"Yes. Luca. He's my son too." Janson said as he started to run at them. Immediately Paige started to shoot before running.

"Shut the door. Shut the main door." Janson muttered into his wrist. The door started shutting at the two runners got closer dropping their guns on the way. Sliding, under the closing door the two led on the floor. Panting, before getting rushed up by the Gladers. Looking back, Thomas looked at Janson who hadn't gotten past the closing door, but was now banging on it. Thinking of all that he had done to Paige, he stuck his middle finger up at him. Then, Thomas' eyes caught Paige's. She was sat against a wall panting her restless eyes made it sure she was thinking. As the others started to run, Thomas helped Paige up making eye contact with her. At that moment, Paige knew she was safe. If she was with Thomas she was safe. Safer than anywhere else.

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