The Meeting

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

The sun beamed down blinding the new Greenie in the cage. With a confused look on his face he soon realised 30 other boys were stood over him. Laughing smirking. Without hesitation a boy jumped down and look at the Greenie. Brown scruffy hair, brown eyes to go with. In an old worn blue t-shirt, and some green joggers to cover his legs. Boots like trainers sat protecting his feet.

"Day 1 Greenie. Rise and shine." He picked the boy up by the collar and stopped looking at him up and down. "What the hell did they do to you?"

Confused, frighted and angry the new Greenie fell onto the healthy emerald grass. Still surrounded by boys, observing him. Laughter filled their faces. Whilst this was happening, ringing in the Greenie's ear echoed around him. Picking up himself, his feet carried him running, he didn't know where. But just away.

"Hey we got a runner!" One of the boys shouted. The ringing continued. Stopping to hold his head, the Greenie looked around. Grey, deathly, 20feet tall walls of stone surrounded a square. Ivy's coming down from the top. One thing he did notice was there was a gap. Almost like a door. It was open.

Panting, the Greenie was pushed into a pit like prison. What is this place? Why am I here? What are they going to do to me? How can I get out? Can I get out? That's all the Greenie thought about looking out the bamboo door.

"Hey." A coloured man with high authority in his voice knelt down. "You're not going to run again right? My names Alby. I'm the leader here. I'm here to show you around. Get out." Opening the bamboo door he would chuckle to himself offering a hand up to help the Greenie out. Taking his hand he looked at Alby confused.

"Now. Can you tell me who you are? Where you came from? Anything at all?" Alby asked.

"I can't remember. Why can't I remember?" The Greenie shook his head panicking.

"It's okay. You'll get your name back in a day or two." Alby smiled. "It's the only thing they let us keep."

"Who's they?" The Greenie asked.

Trying to avoid the answer Alby would start walking from the prison towards a tower in the distance.

"Relax. It's normal. It happens to us all." Alby said so calmly.

"What is this place?" The Greenie asked.

"I'm showing you." Alby smirked. "We eat here. Sleep here. We grow our own food. Build our own shelters. Whatever we need the box provides. Everything else is up to us."

"The box?"

"Yeah. Once a month. They send up fresh supplies and a new Greenie. This month that's you congratulations." Alby said.

"Sent up by who?"

"We don't know." Alby replied. "All we know is they put us here for some odd reason."

The Greenie would nod.

"I'm sorry about this rushing. But we have a lot of things to do and something special planned tonight ." Alby said as they got closer to the tower. "Hope you're not afraid of heights. Come on."

The tower was built around a cut down tree. Made from bamboo was the floor, the railing, the trapdoor. The tower overlooked all of the grass, trees, huts. Looking down, the Greenie felt uneasy but then soon realised it was so peaceful up here.

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