Foundational Heroics

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The only class the whole group had together was Foundational Heroics with the former Clown Hero, Scaramouche. Or to the students, Mr. Pierre.

"Alright, kiddos, we have a new student with us," Mr. Pierre said, acknowledging Izuku. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Izuku stepped forward to address the class, as stiff as a board and trying his hardest not to trop over any words. "My name is Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku. I transferred here from UA High School in Musutafu. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Mutters spread across the room. UA High School was on the same level as Oceanside was, possibly even more prestigious. A couple students had transferred between the two schools as temporary exchange students, but Izuku was there to stay.

"Well, Izuku. It's a pleasure to have you with us. I assume you've already had experience in heroics?" He nodded. "Marvelous! Everyone, put on your suits and head to the gymnasium. We're doing some one-on-one sparring today."

Everyone did as they were told. Immediately, Izuku noticed a difference in hero costumes in the United States. A lot of people defaulted to plain catsuits or leotards with a few details separating them from others. Aside from a few people, the pending Fun Squad being obvious.

Athena's, like her father's, was very formal and resembled a dark steampunk look. Her dress was formal, but easy to move in, made of a very durable fabric, and of course, made room for her wings. Her hat contained a blade within it as a secondary weapon if push came to shove. Not the most functional, but very recognizable.

Charlie's didn't look functional in the slightest. It was a white button-down with a triad of black wraith-like hands around their chest. The hands were fabric, that itself was obvious. Their pants had cutouts in the shape of pentacles. At least the fabric looked somewhat moveable. Instead of the usual combat boots or sneakers, Charlie was wearing a pair of black roller skates– a recipe for disaster if they made a wrong move.

Vivienne's was where the costumes became more tactical. She wore a full-head helmet, resembling the costumes of Tenya Iida and Hanta Sero. She wore a skirt, top, and boots with a rainbow print on them, indicative of her Quirk. The only seemingly non-functional parts of her costume were a pair of fishnet gloves and a spiked choker.

Edwin's reminded Izuku of Kaminari's in its simplicity, consisting of a simple silver jacket over a plain form-fitting shirt and a pair of leggings with a silver stripe. The flashiest parts of the outfit were the silver boots, which resembled something out of a glam rocker's wardrobe, and Edwin's face paint. A large black star was painted over his left eye, looking almost like an eyepatch.

Andreas' costume was almost as simple as Edwin's. His costume was dizzying, covered in black and white stripes moving horizontally, diagonally, vertically, you name it, as if he was trying to disorient his opponents without the use of his Quirk. He was wearing a pair of blue glasses, which drew attention to his eyes. Perfect for attracting the gaze of his poor opponents. There wasn't much else to say about it. It made Izuku sick just looking at it.

"Alright, everyone, pair up. I'll be supervising, so don't get too violent, kiddos."

The class split into pairs. Immediately, Vivienne paired herself with Izuku.

"I... don't know your hero name yet. Could you tell me?" Izuku asked politely.

"Of course! I'm the Eyestrain Hero, Iris! Now that the pleasantries are done," Vivienne got into a fighting stance. "Don't go easy on me, Deku."

Izuku mimicked her stance. "As long as you don't go easy on me either, Iris," he grinned, his legs emitting a soft green glow.

With no warning, Vivienne shot a rainbow from her finger directly at Izuku. He ducked under it and charged at Vivienne with a burst of speed. He leapt into the air and prepared to deliver a kick. With a shout of "MANCHESTER SMASH", the kick connected with a solid rainbow shield.

"You name your moves? Damn, I should start doing that," Vivienne chuckled, strained by the increasing pressure of Izuku's kick.

She pushed the shield upwards, launching Izuku even further into the air. She wrapped a snake-like rainbow around his leg and slammed him into the ground. Before he could make contact, he caught himself with his hands and uprighted himself. With a quick pull of his leg, the rainbow binding his leg snapped in two. Vivienne lurched forward, but caught herself before she hit the ground.

"My, my, how the tables-"

Vivienne was cut off when something wrapped around her leg. She had no time to see what it was before she was thrown across the gymnasium with enough force to dent a solid concrete wall.

"I SURRENDER!!" was vaguely heard by Izuku, signalling that the battle was over. He rushed over to Vivienne's aid.

"Vivienne! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Holy h-e-double hockey sticks, that was fast," she groaned. "I think I broke something. Still, nothing the nurse can't fix."

"I'll take you! Athena-san told me where it is!" Izuku fretted, lifting Vivienne onto his back.

"Dude, you don't need to do that. I'm fine."

Despite Vivienne's complaints, Izuku carried her all the way to the nurse's office, where a man with neatly-combed hair who looked to be in his mid-30s was sitting in a desk chair.

"Oh, no. What happened?"

"We were sparring and I threw Vivienne-san against a wall. I think she broke something," Izuku said between gasps.

"My back hurts a bit. I'll live," Vivienne groaned with a thumbs up.

The nurse sighed. "Can you stand up?" he asked Vivienne.

"Probably, but this worrywart won't let me," she snickered. "Hey, ZZ, could you put me down?"

He did as asked. Immediately, Vivienne's legs caved beneath her. She fell to her knees and collapsed with a small "ow".

The nurse sighed. "Stay still, this may hurt a bit." He placed his hands on her back and kept them there for a few seconds. A warm glow appeared where his hands lay. After a few seconds, Vivienne jumped off the ground, good as new. "Better?"

She did a few twists to make sure all was well. "Much. Thanks, Mr. Lozano."

"Thank you, Lozano-sensei!" Izuku said as Vivienne pulled him out of the room. "He seems nice."

"For a guy who constantly has to deal with us heroes-in-training constantly injuring ourselves, he's a pretty chill dude."

The rest of the class went well. Vivienne had to sit out due to the healing process taking a toll on her stamina, so Izuku was paired up with a few other students, one of which was Charlie (also known as the Formless Hero, Paradox). The fight was just as short as Vivienne's, with Izuku winning by immobilizing his opponent with Blackwhip. Still, Charlie was somehow incredibly nimble and fast on their roller skates. The only time they fell was when they were tied up by the legs. And even then, they weren't hurt at all. 

Other fights were just as impressive, with Andreas and another kid with a precognition quirk duking it out hand-to-hand style, Athena and a six-winged student sparring above the rest while swooping and diving impressively, and Edwin taking down a student with a shield quirk. Overall, Izuku was impressed by the skills of his new classmates. He felt somewhat at home among all these soon-to-be heroes, and hoped he could learn from his peers.

A/N: i hc in this universe that when izuku's nervous and speaking english, he sometimes slips up and uses japanese words and honorifics.
also i'm not the most proud of this chapter. dunno why, but it doesn't hit right to me. i hope it's at least okay.
also, if any of you have ideas for the permanent group name, speak now or forever hold your peace, since the group gets permanently named in the NEXT CHAPTER.

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