Snowman Story (idk I don't have a name for it)

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Brrrrrr! It's so cold here! Besides the fact that I'm a snowman, I love warm weather. Well, I've never experienced it, but we can always dream, right?

I walk over to Chilly, my neighbor, to see if she has anything interesting to do.

"Chilly!" I call out. She looks up from her book. "Hi! What book is that?" I ask.

"Oh, hey, Icy," she smiles. "It's called A Snowy Day. Have you read it?"

"No, I don't think so," I reply. "I'm kind of bored. Do have any idea of what to do?"

She does this twirly motion thing with her hand, and A Snowy Day disapears into thin air. "Sure I do. We could have a snowball fight,"

"But we just did that yesterday," I whine.

"Okay, then how about we build mini versions of ourselves out of snow?" she suggests.

"Ooh, that's sounds fun! Let's try it!" I say happily. We walk over to a previously made pile of snow.

"Wait," I stop. "I've never made a snowman before. I don't remember when someone made me or who that person was," I say sheepishly.

"Oh, that's fine! Don't worry, it easy," Chilly reassures me. "You start by making, pretty much, a snowball,"

"Okay," I copy exactly what Chilly does. I don't want to mess this up and humiliate myself.

"Then, you roll it around a patch of snow until it starts to get bigger and bigger," she explains.

"Uh-huh," I say. "Like this?" I show her my technique.

"Yeah, that's perfect. You're learning quickly," she says proudly.

We did this for about 15 more minutes. Then, as we were putting the finishing touches on, the snowmen started to glow and light up.

"Whoa!" I exclaim.

"This happens when snowmen are ready to come alive. You did this when you born, too," Chilly tells me. I just nod; too stunned to say anything. There are sparkles surrounding our snowmen now. Chilly's are green, and mine are pink.

Suddenly, the snowmens' eyes pop open and they jump up excitedly.

"They can't talk yet, but in a few days they will," Chilly said.

"Wow. How do you know so much about this?" I ask, puzzled.

"I used to make snowmen with my dad all the time, before he melted last spring. We used to have contests on who could build a snowman faster." She smiled at the memory.

"Oh, that's cool!" I say, trying to sound normal.

"Yeah. So, what should we do now?" she said, awkwardly changing the topic.

"Well, that book you were reading earlier, A Snowy Day, looked kind of interesting. Could you read it to me? I never learned to read," I suggest.

"Sure! It'd be my pleasure, Icy; I love reading!" she replies. I smile. "Until next time, snowmen!" she shouts to the unmoving snowmen. I laugh.

"Yup, until next time!" I say, echoing her words. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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