Mila and Nadiya

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I am honestly so, so proud of this story. It turned out so great (imo). This is not a topic I would usually write about, but we had to for school, so I hope you like it. :)

Boom! Boom! I hear crashes around me as I huddle inside my shelter. I don't think this will hold me for much longer. My face is dry and cracked and I have no more tears left in me. The Sun is exploding and I'm in a shelter waiting for something, anything. My entire family got hit by a giant meteor, but I was ahead of them so I made it safely to the shelter.

In just a short week, I still miss them so much. I can't cry anymore though. It feels like I've been in this shelter for ages and we don't have any more food or water. Two weeks ago, I was probably twice my weight I am now. I think I'm going to cry, but my tears just don't come out. My eyes feel like an old, dried up well. My stomach hurts so much. There are 1,000 needles piercing my stomach.

I wonder if I'm the last person living on Earth. It's really dark in here, but there's eerie dark orange light coming in. I hate this. I miss my family, but most of all, my best friend, Nadiya. I don't even know if she's s-still...

"C'mon, guys we need to check in here!" I say. My parents rush over to where I'm standing.

"Nadiya, this is really sealed tight," my dad says.

"Well, we still have to try," I say, feeling determined. "Give me a hand!"

We all grab onto the handle and pull. It opens, thankfully. I quickly run inside.

"Mila!" I call out. "Mila!"

Wow, this shelter is as big as a mansion! She might not be in here, I tell myself. I can't keep getting my hopes up about every big shelter. I hear an old clock ticking in the corner as if it's talking loud and clear, counting down time, second by second.

Suddenly I smell something rancid. It smells just like rotten eggs or something dying...I run as fast as I can toward the scent.

Then I hear a loud whooshing sound, and I see a motionless body about 3 feet away. That's the last thing I see before everything goes black.

Have an amazing day and ty for reading! 

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